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Posts posted by dougrice

  1. <p>Hi All,<br />Some shots I really like so far:<br />Mikhail T.<br />Gary S.<br />Simon J.<br />John F.<br />Kent S.Rick D.<br /><br />I haven't done much lately, but today I have a small contribution. Interesting the way dew melted from above the stem and then refroze lower.<br />D90 70-300 VR</p><div>00Zt0k-434461684.jpg.f2f8bdbd0edbee2bb847d25460e32c1e.jpg</div>
  2. <p>Hi All,<br /><br />Some faves so far:<br />Leslie C<br />Tony H<br />Chris C<br />Jeannean<br />Tom P<br /><br />Mine is just a street sign in Terre Haute Indiana that I found amusing.<br />Nikon D90 and 55-200 lens.</p><div>00ZhlS-422307584.jpg.63777b80601f9b67649beabc29940ffc.jpg</div>
  3. <p>Hi All,<br />Happy Wednesday. Some faces so far:<br /><br />Matt L. - great job<br />Bill B. - nice comp<br />Christopher S. - just wonderful<br />Alex Z. - I like the comp a lot.<br />Benjamin S. - lovely<br /><br />Mine is from last night. My first try at lightpainting.<br />Nikon D90 55/3.5 micro ISO 200 F/16 I think.<br /><br /></p><div>00ZbzM-416093584.jpg.d65dfaf97b6b7d124cc76558c28b3f25.jpg</div>
  4. <p>Hi All,<br /><br />Matt - that must have been quite an experience!<br />Bill B. - another really nice bird shot<br />Jeannean - you must move a whole lot faster than I do!<br />Benjamin S - I love it<br />Clive W -really nice idea<br />Ray RG - I really like your subject placement<br /><br />My shot is one of the first I took after getting my D90, but sans lens. I put my old 55/3.5 micro on and wandered around the yard. <br />B/W conversion and Topaz Detail and Topaz B/W platinum filters.</p><div>00ZWBY-409601584.jpg.3cdb40de1f49c2625315b941f9cf53ad.jpg</div>
  5. <p>HI All,<br />Matt - terrific shot<br />Bill B - very strong comp<br />Jennifer M - superb family photo, as always<br />Dieter S - that's very cool<br />Scott P - I am mourning too<br />Jeannean - great shot<br /><br />After a period of laziness I got back to the local park this week to take some pics.<br />D90 55/3.5 micro lens<br /><br />Doug</p><div>00ZSRA-406003684.jpg.405e3e47e85095bbc65b61ebdabb8cf5.jpg</div>
  6. <p>Hi All,<br />Favorites so far:<br />Matt - wish I could get focus like that<br />Jana- delightful shadows and highlights<br />Jens F<br />Gwen K<br />Rick D<br />Peter G<br /><br />Mine is from this summer's vacation in Kauai.<br />D90 55-200 lens</p><div>00ZIQo-396295584.jpg.3dccf8b924a0a8c85be4dcc7a52cee79.jpg</div>
  7. <p>Chris W - thank you.<br />Some more faces, er I mean faves:<br />Karl M - great timing<br />Tom P - a very unusual capture!<br />Bob D - I keep staring at this pic<br />Panyotis P - superb still life<br />Torben P - I love the lighting<br />Richard S - great expression! <br />Mark M - makes me smile<br />Doug</p>
  8. <p>Hi All,<br />Some faces so far:<br />James W.<br />Gary S.<br />Jens F<br />Karl M<br />Jeannean<br />Peer S<br />Kent S<br /><br />Mine is my son posing in a slightly-too-big Hawaiian shirt in <br />Kauai.<br />Doug</p><div>00ZAS5-388221784.jpg.2d40c5155700a241094c7eb24b15d64b.jpg</div>
  9. <p>Hi All,<br />Well I have been absent for a while, but got some decent stuff on our vacation in Kauia, Hawaii.<br /><br />Jen F. - I love it. I'm a sucker for Goldens and bikes!<br />Emilio G. - captivating<br />Jana H. - the Marines are looking for a few good…err nevermind<br />Ray RG - lovely<br />Pieter N - beautiful bird<br /><br />Mine is a shot of surfers on Kauai at dusk. Straight shot.<br />D90 55-200 lens.<br /><br />Doug</p><div>00Z490-381471584.jpg.8aa1d3de566478c2b577eece335836cc.jpg</div>
  10. <p>Chris W. - thank you!<br />Kris H and John P sorry for your losses. Dogs really are our best friends.<br /><br />Some favorites this week:<br />Matt's lovely portrait<br />Narayan K<br />Ted A<br />Rick M<br />Jennifer M <br />Doug S<br />David D - funny!<br />Allan A - nice job<br />Ismail B<br /><br />Best wishes to all.</p>
  11. <p>Hi All,<br />Shun - great expresion<br />Tom H - another great shot<br />Nick D - nice<br />Tony H - you always have the nicest colors!<br />Elliot B - great capture<br /><br />I was playing around in my basement a few weeks ago with the repeating flash option on my D90. Didn't have any dominoes, so I used these wooden blocks.<br /><br /> </p><div>00Yb99-349997584.jpg.4e2fc77cb80baf6ac3350efa6abdcd26.jpg</div>
  12. <p>Bill Nelson,<br>

    I'm afraid it was a tedious process. Basically I selected the athlete in each frame, copied him and piled them all into one frame. It is much easier if the subject isn't overlapping in different frames. For that case, try a youtube search for muliplicity tutorial in photoshop.<br>

    Thanks and best wishes,<br>


  13. <p>Hi All,<br />Lots of nice work. Some that especially caught my eye:<br />Anura F.<br />Frank B - love the ears!<br />Jana H<br />Hamish G - very unusual guy!<br />Dennis B<br />Kent S - so cute<br />Don H - your photos always show such respect<br /> <br />Mine is a high school pole vaulter that I enjoyed watching. Unfortunately my D90 won't do this many multiple exposures, so I had to resort to PS.<br />1/500s f/10</p><div>00YYjV-347747684.jpg.d1239470438c3653f81b2f66a1856e7f.jpg</div>
  14. <p>Hi All,<br />Many lovely photos. Some that I especially like:<br />Bird shots by Bill B, Jeannean B, Greg K, Tom H<br />Flowers by Lorne S and Grant T, Chris S<br />Aguinaldo's and Jens F 's scenics<br />Bogdan N's street scene<br /><br />I didn't take anything worthy this week, so here is a two-year old photo of my Golden when she was a puppy.</p><div>00YWQO-345721684.jpg.ddcf7d9d649348e2e37259deb5f2f6cb.jpg</div>
  15. <p>Zach, your test was a great suggestion. I just went outside and shot 40 shots with identical settings to last night and they look fine (except for being blue becaues my WB was set to 2500K :)</p>

    <p>Richard, I think you and Peter are correct. Something with the lighting. Not sure why last night was so different but I guess these things happen. Live and learn (again.)</p>

    <p>Thanks everyone!</p>

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