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Posts posted by harold_passini

  1. <p>Hi guys, <br>

    Thank you for all your answers.<br>

    I do think like some of you that we are not born experts and that we have to try... always... and maybe f**k things sometimes... <br>

    I'm going to buy a pretty M2 within next weeks. A grey one (I'm not that dumb... repaint a black ! What an idea !). And I saw some results of repainting that was very good, so... Why not try ? <br>

    I'm used to manual staff, I'm just afraid to not have all the right tools or the right method. <br>

    Thank for all the links, they are not easy to find over the web.</p>

  2. <p>Hi all, <br>

    I plan to buy an M2 but it has some scrtches and dents.<br>

    I know that I can buy a new leather at cameraleather.com but what about the paint ? <br>

    It's too expensive to make it done by someone. So, could I do it alone ? and how ? </p>

    <p>To go through the process : <br>

    <strong>1. De assemble </strong><br>

    Where can I buy cheap Leica clamps ?<br>

    <strong>2. Removal the existing paint</strong><br>

    Wich Removal ? <br>

    <strong>3. Repaint </strong><br>

    Which paint should I use ? How to cover the viewfinder, etc.<br>

    How to paint the letters ?</p>

    <p>Many thanks,<br>



  3. <p>My lens is a Scopar Color 35mm 2.8.<br>

    I aligned the lines of the frame that I see in the RF and shot.<br>

    So, the frame that I see doesn't exactly correspond to my film ? (Isn't it what's called parallax correction ?)</p>


  4. <p>Hi,<br>

    I ve just got my firsrt rangefinder (A beautiful Bessa R).<br>

    I shot my first roll sunday afternoon (mostly architecture for tests) and got in my dark(bath)room to develop it.<br>

    I m (very) disapointed : my shots aren't centred.<br>

    Do I have to know something about centring with rangefinders ??<br>


  5. <p>(Really) Thank you all for your answers.<br>

    My choice becomes trickyer everyday...<br>

    I think i'm going to go for a Bessa R + 35 mm F2,5 Color Skopar (560USD used Exc++).<br>

    <a href="http://www.priceminister.com/image?action=slideshow&aid=219005032&galimageid=849995772&prdfamilycode=700&productid=54314602">http://www.priceminister.com/image?action=slideshow&aid=219005032&galimageid=849995772&prdfamilycode=700&productid=54314602</a><br>

    Leicas are really too expensive, and with my budget i'd have to shoot with a really poor lens...</p>


  6. <p>Thank to you all for your answers.<br>

    I m not sure we ve reached a consensus (but was it the point ?)<br>

    To conclude (or try to), I'm going to look for :<br>

    - a leica M3 with a meter (for the shoe) + Canon 50mm f1,8<br>

    - or a Bessa R or R2 + same lens<br>

    (I didn't select the AF, I d rather play with a manuel camera)</p>

    <p>PS : David, I didn't find the "Voigtlander package" on photovillage.com ???</p>

  7. <p>Hi,<br />I shoot with a medium format for few years and I'm decided to fall into the wonderfull world of "rangefinder" 35mm but i just can't made up my mind for one camera.<br />I've read some about these :<br />- Leica CL<br />- Canonet QL17 G3<br />- Bessa R2/3<br />- Yashica 35 GSN<br />I have 800 USD for body + lens.<br />What should i take ?<br />I know that the yashica and Canon are quite cheaper than the 2 other ones.<br />I absolutly want a camera with a build in meter.<br />I really need advices.<br />Thanks !</p>

    <p>PS : Is there a big difference between the leica CL and the Minolta CLE and Leitz CL. (cause the minolta and leitz are cheaper than leica...)</p>

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