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Posts posted by chuck_wullenjohn

  1. <p> I occasionally wish to use a small flash unit with my M6 Classic. I have a Nikon Sb-23 and a Vivitar auto 215 that seemingly can be used mounted on the hot shoe, but I'm fearful of frying the electronics inside the camera. I hesitate to use either because of this. Can someone provide guidance?<br>



  2. <p>I really appreciate the variety of interesting, well-thought-out suggestions offered. I haven't purchased a lens yet but am leaning toward the Leica f/3.5 Summaron 35mm lens. I would prefer the f/2.8 version, but it's more than I can afford at this time. I don't feel the f/3.5 will loose value, however, so I can upgrade in the future and not lose anything. The Voigtlander 35mm lenses are tempting because of the reasonable prices and the fact that the offered apertures are wider. I've read about them quite a bit on the web and almost swallowed the bait to buy one. I liked the suggestion that buying the CV Color Skopar f/2.5 would give me a common filter size for all three of my lenses. I dislike carrying all kinds of accessories around, not counting the extra expense. Straightforward solutions are good! From what I read, the Summaron lens also uses the same size filter. Thanks again for your input -- more thoughts are still welcome ...</p>
  3. <p>I am a relatively new Leica shooter but own an M6 Classic body, 50mm f.2.0 Summicron lens, and 90mm f/2.8 Elmarit lens. I am looking at buying a wide angle lens, but want to get the best bang for my buck, keeping in mind that I intend to use whatever I buy for a long, long time. I am looking at three possibilities for purchase:<br>

    1) Leica 35mm Summicron, but it seems wildly expensive, even used. I know it is a great quality lens, but the price makes me think twice.<br>

    2) Voigtlander Color Skopar 35mm f/2.5, but I wonder if this lens isn't as sharp as a Leica and won't hold its value. I bought into Leica for its top-notch reputation and wonder if "wandering off the ranch" is a good idea. On the other hand, I read it is a great lens, and much cheaper than the Summicron.<br>

    3) Leica 35mm f/3.5 Summaron. I could get this for around the same price as the Skopar, but it's an older lens and I have read mixed reviews on it. <br>

    < p> I would appreciate any input from the knowledgeable people out there!<br>

    < p>Chuck<br>


  4. <p>In looking at various 90mm lenses to buy for my new (for me) M6, I am seriously looking at an f/4 Elmar or Rokkor, but am concerned at their 40.5mm filter size. This seems like a pretty unusual size. That means I would have to buy duplicate filters of the 39mm filters I already have or intend to purchase. Correct? From what I read, the 90mm tele-elmarit has 39mm filter threads. If that is correct and it takes the same size filters, that might be the way to go. Any thoughts?<br>


  5. <p>I am a fairly new Leica M6 owner, although I have shot Nikon and Minolta SLR's since the mid-1970's. The only Leica lens I own thus far is the Summicron f/2 50mm.<br>

    I would like to purchase a 90mm lens and would appreciate advice on which one to get. Money is somewhat of a factor so I plan to get it used. One lens I was wondering about was the Elmar f/4 90mm made for the CLE. Since that is an M mount lens, do you feel that would be a good one to consider? I want to be sure anything I buy is up to the high quality standards Leica is known for, which is why I purchased into the Leica system in the first place. You're all experts here with a great deal more knowledge than me and I'll appreciate your input.<br>


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