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Posts posted by roger_williams6

  1. <p>If my memory serves me right, there is a 'mechanical memory' of last aperture used, return aperture ring to 'A', mount to body, then move from 'A' position. I then turn aperture ring to both extremes just to make sure. If you then remove from body, you should be able to see aperture stopping down as you turn aperture ring if you hold lever with say, a thumb.<br /> This should work, because it is like using the manual stop down piece with lens reversed.<br /> Hope this is of use.<br>

    Ps. This is only good for FD bodies that utilise the 'A' feature on lens, ie not good for FTb etc</p>

  2. <p>Many thanks Louis and Mark, i feel happier about it now. The T90 certainly feels an awesome handfull, i really only got it because of recommendations here in this forum, so i am still making my mind up, only downside so far... cant figure out how to get it to make coffee..it seems to do everything else lol:)</p>
  3. <p>I found the dedicated FD forum using google, seemed like i found a spritual home. I have learned a lot about what i already have as well as maybe adding a tiny bit.<br>

    Also, i have opened my eyes to other systems since reading the forums here.<br>

    Its a big thank you everyone from me.</p>

  4. <p>It seems as if all you guys have a T90 in your collection, so, i had to get one didnt i. I was expecting a plasticy EOS type thingy.. how wrong could i get!<br>

    Anyway, included in the package was a 244T flashgun. I know it does not really belong with a T90 but would it work at all? Would i damage the T90 if i mounted this gun?<br>


  5. <p>Being a Minolta ignoramous i didnt realise the X500/700 were electronic cameras, i have a couple of Canon A1`s for that, so i will pass on those. That will teach me to not research better.<br>

    Anyway my SRT 101 arrived today, wonderful condition, everything working, just need to find some time to put a film through it. Thanks for all the advice though.</p>

  6. <p>Hi everyone, i think i have got my Canon habit licked, so i thought maybe just one little Minolta would`nt hurt, would it..<br />Anyway, i was considering an X700, but the 500 seems just as nice.. any opinions about the differences these two models offer? I have to say, i have never so much as touched a Minolta before, so i dont know what i am letting myself in for :)<br />Cheers</p>
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