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Posts posted by pj_hardwick1

  1. <p>I got this old Zenit3M camera recently without a lense - and was wondering if anyone knows anything about this camera. I'm wondering too, I can see that the mirror isn't down, like it should be. Does this mean I have just a paper weight? What type of lens does it take. Are they hard to use?</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance<br>


  2. <p>We just got an old FTBn but it doesn't look like there's a seal around the inside - and actually doesn't look like there has been any - are we just overlooking it - or is there a seal we need to buy for it?</p>
  3. <p>I bought fresh batteries and I still can not get the shutter to release. When I press the button, nothing happens. We put in a new roll of film in even and it seemed to advance fine when I shut the back with the film in it. It shows the batteries are working when I turn the camera on, but it still won't let me take a picture?</p>

    <p>We were really hoping to get it to work, as we love Canon - though before this have always used the AE1's and others like this.</p>

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