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Posts posted by briancorll

  1. <p>The 3800 does ink swapping too - even when you don't want it to. Make one mikstake with your saved print settings and you'll find the 3800 switching to MK when you want PK and vice versa. Costs about $4 every time to switch back. I've become more careful, but I still goof now and then. You don't have to physically change the cartridges, that's all. I would prefer manual switching to automatic. Or at least have the driver prompt me to be sure I really wnat to switch blacks before just doing it. But of course, Epson sells more black ink that way. ;-)</p>
  2. <p>The 2880 has/had driver problems (I returned my last one in March) and I can't say if they've been fixed. It went into a crazy automatic cleaning cycle that damned near drained every cartridge in the printer. I lost more money on ink with that thing than the machine itself cost. Thus far, no problems with the 3800.</p>
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