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Posts posted by nathan_thomas1

  1. <p>I purchased my new 5D Mark II a few weeks ago and noticed that I was also getting focusing problems. Being a fairly professional and regular user of the original 5D I couldnt work out what the problem was. I do alot of outdoor portraiture work and found with the 5D Mark II on a number of occasions that despite a number of shooting programs and options even when the autofocus point is pointed at the subjects head the whole photo came back blurred. I checked the settings and even at ISO 400 with f8.0 and a shutter speed of 1/250sec I was still getting out of focus shots. I found this to be very very odd and not something I had experienced with the original 5D.<br>

    See this link which shows the problems I was having with quite a few of my outdoor shots:<br>

    <a href="http://www.portraitmale.co.uk/problems/blur.jpg">http://www.portraitmale.co.uk/problems/blur.jpg</a><br>

    You will need to do a proper 1:1 view on this.<br>

    My 5D Mark II also suffered from crashing when shooting in Full HD mode even though the Scandisk Card was Ultra III and I also had issues with the metering where I sometimes had photos which were bleached out.<br>

    I phoned my camera shop where i purchased it and explained the problems and they contacted Canon. A day later the camera shop (Walters in the UK who I highly recommend) offered a full replacement with no debate or the usual bull you get from some camera shops.<br>

    <br />I went out today and did a series of test shots with a test subject and all shots came back fine and no focusing problems using the same shooting conditions as I used above. I found that the metering was also far better under a number of test conditions so perhaps the focusing problems arent down to user error in all cases and may be a sign that there is a problem with this camera. I have a feeling for those people who know how to use this camera and are having focusing problems then my advice would be to contact Canon or the place where you purchased it and ask for a replacement or to have it checked with Canon.<br>

    This link below shows the shots I am now getting back on my replacement 5D Mark II so fingers crossed this may have solved my focusing problems. Notice how the subjects face is very sharp and in-focus compared to the previous shot even though the f value was 4.0! Hmmm so after taking around 20 test shots all of them came back perfect. I wonder then is it user error or is there a problem with the 5D Mark II that Canon is not being honest about?<br>

    New shot from replacement 5D Mark II :-)<br>

    <a href="http://www.portraitmale.co.uk/problems/focusok.jpg">http://www.portraitmale.co.uk/problems/focusok.jpg</a></p>

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