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Image Comments posted by timwyers

  1. Hi greg,

    Thanks a lot for your comment i really apreciated.  Your probably right about the rock in the foreground.  This photo was taken about 20 mins after the sunset.  I used ND grads 8 and 6.  I pointed my camera 90 degrees to where the actually sunset was as it was a bit of an average sunset.  i used a very sturdy tripod and always take my time in setting it up.  This photo was taken straight off the card and not 1 bit of photoshop was used.  The only thing i did was compress and smart sharpen 70% as i do with all photo's I compress to put on the net, as you lose a lot of sharpness when compressing.

      This trip was actually quite fustrating as there were very few nice sunsets and a lot of cloudy days.  So I had to make do with what I had.

    Thanks again


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