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Posts posted by duncan_frazier1

  1. <p>Oskar,<br /> I feel your exact pain. I shoot panos quite a bit and stitch using PTgui, but I've recently had a job come up where I need to stitch flat images and I'm surprised to find most of the pano programs entirely unsuited to the task. I'm not stitching scans, rather I'm stiching images shot along a length of wall with a flat 50mm lens, which in the end is basically the same type of stitch. As you've also found, it seems most software really wants to stitch images that were shot around the same nodal point, and things get totally whacky when you try to get programs to recognize that the entire camera actually shifts between shots. So far PTgui has given me perfect control points but it can't seem to stitch anything acceptable yet, (it thinks its good pts are 80+ units off). So far my best results have come from Photoshop CS3 using the align and merge. The nice thing being that you can do a blend but keep the layers separate with masks in case you want to do manual tweaks. <br /> Regardless I'd still like to see Ptgui be able to handle these flat stitches as I have utmost faith in its stiching and blending for standard panos. If I discover a secret recipe I'll post back here.<br /> Also does anyone have any experience with PS CS3 vs CS4 photomerge. I'm wondering if an upgrade might not give me even better results.<br /> Duncan<br /> <a href="http://www.redshift-blueshift.com">Redshift-Blueshift</a></p>
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