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Posts posted by cleghorn

  1. <p>I'm so glad I posted this question! you guys have given some great advise and I so appreciate it! Thank you!<br>

    I will definitely follow your tips. I have been reading through a lot of photo mags and the "learning" tab on this site. I guess I need to read a little more!<br>

    Thanks again! </p>

  2. <p>I've only had my camera, Canon XSI, for about a year. I've been mostly shooting mountain bike races and couple softball games, but I'd like to start doing some model shoots and portraits. I've done a couple so far and I really enjoy it. The two that I have done have been outside on a sunny day with no flash or lights. I'd like to start experimenting with some lights and maybe do some shoots inside or outside for some better effects. The problem is I'm not quite sure what to get. I've read a few things here about umbrella lights and am thinking that might be the way to go. I've been looking at this:<br>


    Would this be a good "starter" kit for a beginner? Or, am I totally off base here and should be looking at some different kind of lighting?<br>

    Oh, and my neighbor wants me to do a family portrait for them around Christmas time! So I want to make sure these photos come out looking good! Maybe with the correct lighting they will.<br>

    Thank you so much for any help or suggestions!<br>


  3. <p>I would like to get Photoshop for my I-Mac. Is there a specific version I should be looking at? I can't be spending $1000 on the latest and greatest. Is there something around the $200-300 range that I could start with?<br>

    Thanks for any input!<br>


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