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Posts posted by brian_baird

  1. <p>Well, in case you guys are wondering, I went to the darkroom today and was waiting for some prints to dry so I figured I would try to develop the roll that I tried shooting and it seems to work fine. I just need to keep the shutter halfway down to advance, and need to keep count of which frame I'm on. It's a little bit of a pain, but at least the cameras not just a paperweight now haha. Thanks for the help everyone!</p>
  2. <p>Well the hits keep on coming. I figured out that if I keep the shutter halfway pressed while I advance it works. But, now the frame counter seems to not be working at all. I see it slightly moving while I advance, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I have a feeling I bought a beater.</p>
  3. <p>Upon further investigation I found a little lever that is inside by where you load the film. It seems that the camera back has a hook that engages this little lever, and whenever the lever is engaged it doesn't let me move the advance. What is this lever and is it functioning correctly?</p>
  4. <p>Just got my first TLR off ebay in the mail today. Its a Seagull and I know they have issues with lasting power, but I couldn't pass it up for 30 bucks. I was excited to get out and shoot a roll, but I think my film advance lever is broken. It turns fine without film in it, but when I put film in and as soon as I close it the lever doesn't move either way. If I open the back up again it turns fine. Am I forgetting something or is it a camera issue?</p>
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