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Posts posted by kay188_tran

  1. <p>I've taken a photography class in school, and we have 4 lighting studios with 1 octabox each.</p>

    <p>My teacher says the softbox was replaced by an octabox because it's been found that an octabox produces a way better quality of light than softboxes.</p>

    <p>If you think about it, soft boxes have 4 sides only where as octabox have 8, hence it would make sense that the light coming from the light source would have a way better quality as it's reflecting off of 8 surfaces to produce even light.<br>

    That's my take on it.</p>

  2. <p>The unit is not supposed to make that noise.<br>

    When firing at full power with the head tilted and rotated it makes a crack sound. It's very annoying and makes me worry that i might have broke something.<br>

    It does make a VERY slight noise when it's locked at 90 degrees tilted upwards. This is not normal. Something is loose. I know it.<br>

    I've made a youtube video to show you how bad it is. It gets annoying.<br>

    I'll link once it's done uploading and processing.</p>

  3. <p>I've only recently been hearing this noise, when i unlock the flash head from 90 degrees up, and down, and for it to rotate 180 degrees both ways.<br /> <br /> The noise comes from the PUSH button on the side of the flash head.<br /> There's apparently a plate of some sort in the rubber PUSH button.<br /> I KNOW it's not anything else because if i hold the PUSH button and shake the unit, it does not make any noise.<br /> The flash works perfectly fine. Nothing is wrong with the operation.<br /> <br /> So for 580EX II users, unlock your flash head, put it at 45 degrees upward and turn the head sideways, then shake the unit. I hear a rattling noise. Something is loose.<br>

    The sound was not here before.<br /> I've only noticed the sound when i fire the flash at full power when the head is unlocked upwards and turned sideways.<br /> <br /> <br /> I've googled and came across 2 threads of people having the same problem.<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4457646" target="_blank">http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4457646</a> <br /> AND<br /> <a href="http://digitalphotographer.com.ph/forum/showthread.php?t=23490" target="_blank">http://digitalphotographer.com.ph/forum/showthread.php?t=23490</a> <br /> <br /> I have no warranty as i bought it from another user.<br /> Would there be any fix for it? Maybe send it in for repair?<br>

    Would Canon check this out though I have no warranty?<br>

    The noise is driving me NUTS.</p>

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