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Image Comments posted by dengo99



    Thanks appreciate you like the shot ... they are very scary birds ... but patience and a long telephoto lens a 300 mm in this case pay off!

  1. Excellent capture, can see you have been reading Ansel Adams Zone System on how to get the best contrast from white to black through all the greys in between as you have done here.

    Well done, keep up your great B & W work,  regards Dennis

    Hanging Gardens


    The "Hanging Gardens" on the balcony of the old Deanery House located

    at the corner of Secretary's Lane, a busy street in the heart of

    Gibraltar. Your comments appreciated, thanks for looking.

  2. Mohamed Kholti has run his hairdresser business from the same shop at

    City Mill Lane for the last 30 years. Originally from Morocco, Mr

    Kholti has lived and worked in Gibraltar for nearly 40 years. Over

    this time many prominent locals have cut their hair in his shop. In

    the barber seat is 18 year old Joseph Robba, his dad still cuts his

    hair there also.

    Curious Boys


    Excellent monochrome image Wim...love the expressions...is it curiosity or is it anticipation?  Keep up the excellent work.  Regards from Gibraltar, Dennis.

    jaipur - people


    Beautiful shot Tarek...love the colours, the bright cobination from the women against the background is great...keep up the excellent work.  Regards from Gibraltar, Dennis

  3. Gibraltar monkey in Main Street sitting on a bench in the shade...just

    watching the world go by..do they look like us...or we look like them?

    Comments appreciated, thanks for looking.

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