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Posts posted by r.g._clough

  1. <p>Peter, I feel your pain. I use the original 645 and love it. I use Velvia 50 almost exclusively, and set the ISO at 40. But.....I don't know that makes much difference since the apeture is in half stops and the sutter speed is in full stop incriments. While I have no problems getting what I want out of the camera, I do edit every photo in Photoshop Elements. The biggest reason for the need to edit is the 92% viewfinder issue, not the lack of 1/3 compensation increments. The 645n is a great camera. The 645nII really only adds mirror lock up to the package. But the 645 really has no issue with vibration from the mirror, even when you are using the apeture sweet spots of 5.6 to 11.0 and slow shutter speeds.</p>
  2. <p>Jonny. No one can tell you what would be best for you. Everything has an upside and downside. I can only tell you what I like. You may not like the same things.</p>

    <p>I used a Nikon digital that I got to replace a Pentax Spotmatic. I wanted to take photographs, not photos, if you know what I mean. So I bought a Pentax 645. I now have a 45mm, 55mm, 75mm & 150mm lenses. Everything is manuel. I didn't want a rangefinder because I use a polarizer almsot all of the time, so I wanted to see thru the lens taking the photo.</p>

    <p>A 6x6 or 6x7 will give you very good chromes, but you will need to change film rolls quite frequently. With a 645 you can get 15/16 shots per 120 roll, almost double that on 220. Still not a lot of shots but still more than the larger formats.</p>

    <p>You won't go wrong with a Bronica ETRS/I, Mamiya 645 or Pentax 645. In short, do what you want.</p>

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