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Image Comments posted by chris55

    No Angel

    I dont usualy like photos that I have to ask why was this done? But I like this it looks like a photo and not ps .Is is effective and the tecnical aspects are very good.

    open it

    I like this very much.I like antique fittings so it appeals to me.I might have stepped back slightly or not cropped so tight to get a little more wood.


    I would have cropped out some of the left side to put the tree closer to the left border.Also the grass is to much as it is also boring,I would have croped a little more horizontal and captured more sea.



    This was taken one spooky sun night as I hid in the bushes. A Baptist

    ritual with roots in the African Orisha religion It is a joy to watch -" the

    catching of the spirit"- full of wild dance and noises. I was eventually

    caught and had to leave .The bag to the right had a chicken which was

    sacrificed .

    The Beach

    Nice imagery I would try to remove a little of the orange cloud it seems to impose itself on the blue streak.As an island man I really love this shot.


    Very nice subject,I am not sure about the shadows ,maybe you could have waited for a cloud to cover the sun.Try this with horizontal and maybe get some trees in for added interest.good post.
  1. nice ,I like it.I think you could darken the shady area to the right.and her hand

    probally should not be blocking the depth of the river.I would also like to see more of the paddle out the water for interest.good balance and exotic shot.

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