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Image Comments posted by beezartdms-wildlife



    Thanks for the comments, Jerry.  Willie is my domestic companion and yes, sometimes he is the hunter too, but these days getting long in the tooth, prefering his Fancy Feast.

    Mike, I wasn't that far away from this dude.  And he was one of three.  But no danger.  Really.





    This fellow (Louisiana Heron)  literally posed for me.  He was below the boardwalk, and when I raised my camera, he flew up to the rail and stayed.

    Location is Kapok Park in Clearwater, FL.  It's a park created as a watershed and floodplain.  I've shot owls, herons, limkins, and many other birds there.  It's a peaceful place to visit. 

    Thanks for the comment.



    Eaglet on texture!



    I like this young eagle and its verigated coloring against the bare wall.  It is a perfect subject for such treatment because of all the muted colors in the feathers. 

    Nicely done!


    Blue Swan...


    Nice inspiration from a master.

    I like the pose, the lighting, and the composition, especially how the eye travels through the diamond from top to bottom.

     I hope it is not an image of a career in ruins.




    I like the style here, and the nice B/W contrast of the scarf with the brunette with the long neck.  I wish she wasn't wearing a white top as it blasts out the other charming elements.

    Cropping to a bust shot would make a nice close portrait.

    Maxcine 1_2


    Lovely, well lit, well composed - an alluring image except for the distractions of the poles - as others have said.  Because of the pose, the eye is directed right at them too.

    I would suggest moving the subject off center left a bit maybe even eliminating the tree behind to left.

    The perfect skin?  Or a bit of touch up?  Be careful as something too good (even with an attractive model) starts to look fake.

    I really like the pose.  She has all the right elements to make this work.

    Orchid 1


    I wonder if all that interesting texture could be enhanced with a closer crop.  It almost looks vaginal here.  (Sorry, don't mean to be Freudian but it was my first impression of the shapes you've captured)

    Nicely lit, good clarity.  I would crop the subject a bit off center so the eye has somewhere to go - perhaps include more of the flower above?

    Also, less DOF could help given the strong shapes in the background.

    Pretty shot.  Thanks

    Excuse me...


    Very nice macro shot and Mr. Spider looks as if she is grimacing under those eyes.

    Nice even lighting.  Composition is good though I would move subject a bit more off center to right or left

    Anita (6)


    I think what makes this an interesting, alluring nude is it reveals some but not all.  The model is "sharing" her secrets but keeping some, but could cover up at any moment.

    The lighting from the side provides nice sculpture of the model's body and her demure expression adds the sensuality.  Good color selection for the scarves.  All elements work well here.


    Nicely done.



    I know that shooting theater one does not generally have control of the lighting.  In this case, I doubt the audience is seeing  the actors any better than your photos from the wings. (shoot the lighting designer?)

    Aside from the lighting problems which you can't control, I'm unsure what the impact of the photo should be.  I can't see faces and the actors don't seem that engaged in the scene.

    The difficulty of theater photography is to capture something meaningful as a photo, without the context of the overall production.  This may be a "turning point" scene (in which case the director should be shot!) but as a moment in time in the production, there is just no impact we can take from it.

    All of the above are not in your control.  You can't force a director to create exciting scenes, or influence lighting designers who light the stage but forget to light the actors.

    Work to find scenes of interest, reaction, impact, or even action from which we can invent a story.



    She looks pretty ordinary, as old lady lions go.  She's also dead center in the frame, which detracts from the overall (remember rule of thirds).

    I'm attaching a suggested crop and edit.  You'll get a more dramatic image if she's cropped close, and then boost the contrast, which in the original is also necessary even if you choose NOT to crop.

    She looks like a good old, slightly overfed zoo critter. Ya just want to jump the barriers and cuddle into that space behind the front left paw, burying your haed in that neck.

    Here's my suggested edit from CS5.





    Look at the lighting and see where it is brightest.

    If your intention is to send a viewer's eyes to the breasts, you've succeeded.  If not, perhaps some bounce fill to help.

    Others in the series are good.

    Pose is nice, somewhat provocative and inviting.  I think she would be more appealing  (and is in others in the series) with different lighting.

    Good experiment.  Maybe loose the shoes.

    Blue Eyes Portrait



    Here is proof that simple, natural beauty is better than portraits that suffer from over-processing and editing. 

    Lovely, expressive subject, simple beauty.

    Touche! (I wish I had a girl next door like this to shoot.)

  1. It looks like you've the perfect lighting for this photo.  I envy your success.  I've been trying for months to get a good shot of the yellow-belly.

    Excellent exposure, good contrast.  I appreciate the difficulty of getting this shot.


    I m waiting ...


    Increasingly, I'm observing a trend in  portraiture to  over-processed, especially in facial skin tone.  This image looks plastic to me and unnatural.  The model has natural beauty, yes, but skin tones look plastic.  

    Also, the image should be cropped.  The eye jumps from face to chest, instead of lingering on the face, which I think is the intended subject of the photo.

    Lighting is good.  Let the natural elements of photography work, especially with an attractive model.




    A bit of fill flash would make this darling candid more enjoyable and balance the highlights.  As is, the back wall yellow captures the eye first instead of the foreground model.


    Cute shot.  




    “Mother and Child”


    My young is my joy and my reason to live. I will protect her with my life.

    She will grow strong with the family and live a long life.

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