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Posts posted by mike_bloem

  1. <p><!--StartFragment-->

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    <p >Filter wrenches seem to be the way to go, but are very hard to come by in the Netherlands.</p>

    <p >I had the same problem as Jim Wilson, with the added bonus of having a slim polarizer locked with a UV filter. In the end all it took was placing them in the freezer protected by a filter case. I thought I might have to heat the receiving filter after, on a warm plate from the oven, but when opening the filter case they practically fell off each other.</p>

    <p >If you screw a filter on in a cold environment there is chance it won't come off in a warmer one, due to the expansion. I work in a number of different climates, but the temperature differences between inside and outside may already be enough to create problems. I'm hoping to come into some filter wrenches soon, but am happy with the freezer method for now. </p>



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