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Posts posted by alex_moore

  1. <p>Hi i am a university student studying photography but i have found myself without access to the uni's facilities usually at the most desperate of times. As i am considerably poor at the moment i have been reluctant to buy a printer of my own but it has come to a point now where i simply do not have a choice. What i do have a choice about is which printer to buy. Is there a particular printer out there for under £100 that has impressed anyone?</p>

    <p>The prints need to be good enough for submission and so need to be of at least a low end proffesional quality. I work with large TIFF files and Photoshop CS3. I use a Canon EOS 40d and shoot a whole range of photography including night, portrait, colour and monochrome and landscape.</p>

    <p>One other thing, i need the printer by monday so ebay is a no go. Any suggestions?</p>

  2. <p>Please can someone help, i am going out of my mind here.</p>

    <p>I have an EOS 40D, i am using CS3 and i have downloaded DNG converters and managed to get one of these working but is there not any way that i can view my RAW files first without having to process them to .dng files. I always thought that you could not only open RAW files but edit them before processing. Am i wrong here?</p>

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