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Posts posted by ian_drury

  1. <p>Hi all,<br>

    Just found this section of the forum and thought I'd contribute aswell.<br>

    I have 2 CSCs or whatever the current trendy acronym is today.........a PEN EPL-1 twin lens kit that I won and now a Lumix G3 kit plus a 20mm pancake.<br>

    I like the idea/ concept of the micro4/3rds system as it means less stuff to drag around with me compared to my normal Canon DSLR equipment, heavy & bulky.<br>

    I'd like to see a 'Pro' or Advanced User CSC/EVIL, using a currently available lens fitting, not yet another system to buy into, that has both an optical and electronic viewfinder ( like the Fuji ) built in as standard but with a fold out multi angle touchscreen and direct button controls, not just menus to have to wade through to alter a setting, and no video as I don't use or need this feature myself in a stills camera.<br>

    My own G3 seems to come pretty close but I'm hoping the GX1 would fit my personal use and style better, I'll have to test one when available or maybe I'll wait for the rumoured Oly OM-D concept. depending on affordability.<br>

    It would be nice to see more 3rd party lenses available for micro4/3rds that offer better value to the average person like me as the cost of many lenses is eye wateringly expensive !<br>

    No single camera seems to possess all the feature I'd like to have for use and they all have compromises in them because of build cost or size etc.<br>

    So there you have my input for what it's worth.</p>


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