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Posts posted by laura_adams

  1. <p>Okay...ummm, I don't really understand the sarcasm of the situation. It was a real question. I have to add that we are not heartless people and if it was some, God forbid, horrible situation on their end, of course we'd refund. But, unfortunately the relationship just ended, which I feel terrible about, but it was not our fault and out of our hands. That's the reason for the question. Honestly, I don't feel that we should have to refund because then we might as well take that clause out of our contract for everyone. We can't pick and choose who we refund for and who we don't, just because we feel bad. But, the fact remains that we are a small business and I do feel very bad about the situation and taking her money when there isn't going to be a wedding. But, that is a chance they take by signing the contract.</p>

    <p>I really do like the other posters' suggestions about a credit or refunding if we do book another gig. :)</p>

  2. <p>Thank you everyone for your advice. I really like the idea of refunding it if we book another wedding or giving them the credit. And Daryl, I never thought about lessening the professionalism in her eyes...thanks for that. She isn't asking for it back; at least not yet. She just called this morning. I feel as if we went through some worry with the check/deposit previously and even though it is a few months away, every time we book a wedding, we plan way in advance and gather new/improved equipment all the time. We just traded and upgraded one of our cameras due to having 7 weddings booked this year. So, more debt. I feel we have "worked" for her wedding already, in a way. I have done research on the net about her church and hall and planned where to shoot some pics, etc.</p>

    <p>I guess I just feel bad because we aren't "full time" photographers and therefore we don't have the "business is business" mentality. Even though, we need to get it. We are running a business, that we depend on, and they signed the contract knowing the terms, and that's that. I appreciated everyone's input and for now, will probably leave it as is unless she asks for it back. If we rebook, maybe I'll surprise her with a refund. :) We'll see in the future. it's only 4 1/2 months away so I don't know if we will at this point. I'm guessing we'll start to book for 2010 already soon.</p>

  3. <p>My husband and I have a small photography business on the side. He works full time somewhere else and we do this in our free time so that I am able to stay home with the kids. Anyway...we had 7 weddings in contract for this summer season.<br>

    Today, I got a call from our August 1 wedding that they broke up and there was no longer going to be a wedding. In our contract, it states that we require a $200 non-refundable deposit to secure their wedding date. The balance is to be paid no later than 1 week prior to the date. We make the deposit small because we don't want to make people pay too much that far in advance, just in case. However, we need something to secure the date, otherwise, we are losing when we have to turn other people away. For July/August, we were already running a 10% discount if people booked with us. Our package is $1000 usually, but for this date, it was $900. We are in a small area so this is reasonable in our area. Actually we are one of the cheapest around but because we do this on the side and not as our main job, we are able to keep costs low.<br>

    She contacted us the beginning of December 2008 and we sent her the contract then. She sent back the contract with the deposit at the end of February 2009. Then she called and said to not cash the check because of something with the bank. Well, we had already deposited it so I called the bank to make sure we hadn't gotten a returned check fee. We hadn't and she called later in the day to say she cleared it all up. Her family owns a local business that we do a lot of business with also; that is how she knew of us.<br>

    My question is do we refund the money? It is non-refundable and she didn't ask for it back. But, I feel badly that her relationship ended and now there won't be a wedding. However, we do a lot of business with them (which doesn't really make a difference I guess) and we depend on that money. If we have to turn down a job because we are already booked for a date, it's a big deal for us.<br>

    This has never happened before and I don't know where to go with this. Do I refund it, keep it as stated in the contract, or refund half of it?<br>

    Thanks for any help in advance!</p>

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