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Image Comments posted by willy_paglilla

    Father & Son

    I like the tones, the textures and the story. There could also be another picture cropping out the door and the window and concentrating in the men framed by all these nice stones. This is very personal, but for me the door and the guys are two different pictures, very nice both.

    the ways of water

    Buenisima foto, tiene muchos elementos interesantes, un placer para la vista. Esto es siempre muy subjetivo, por favor no lo tomes a mal, es mi humilde opinion, creo que le daria un poquito mas de luz al bosque y un poco menos la piedra con musgo verde. Muy cordiales saludos de otro Guillermo.

    Mar del Plata


    Facundo, tengo mucha curiosidad por saber como lograste esa gran superficie de agua calma para que refleje el cielo asi. Pusiste el gran angular cerca del agua y en realidad la superficie calma era mucho mas chica de lo que parece en la foto? Chau. Willy


    Around the Sun


    Great picture, as usual, Marc. How did you get these great clouds pointing to the center of the picture???? WOW!!! The composition is awesome.

    IMHO, the dark line of clouds close to the skyline is a little bit confusing, I couldn't see the skyline clearly.

    I admire your work, it shows the talent, dedication and passion you have. Regards. Willy

    Towards sunset.

    Very nice color contrast, DOF and textures. Very original. It would be a good picture without the tree, it adds a great point of interest and makes the picture even better. Have you tried adding a little bit of light to the sky behind the tree? Regards.

    Salar Grande

    Que viaje que te mandaste por el Norte, Ricardo!!! Buenisima foto, el color, la textura de la sal, la composicion y esas nubes estan barbaras. Incluso el grupo de personas le dan un punto mas de interes. Para experimentar con la composicion, yo probaria ver como queda haciendo "flip". Muy cordiales saludos.


    I like it. It's an unusual spot and composition. I also like the texture and detail. A vertical crop would be a different picture but would also work well. Regards.
  1. Esta foto estaria muy buena si la hubieras tomado gozando de las comodidades de tu casa o un hotel "at see level" ... pero haberla logrado ahi hace que sea BUENISIMA ... muchas gracias por mostrarnos como es un campamento base a la luz de la luna. A que altura estaba ese campamento?


    Great image!!! I think the colors, composition, tones, reflection and the place itself are really beautiful. Just as an experiment, I would try to separate the left foreground rock from the background darkening a little bit the background, please don't take this comment bad, it is my very humble opinion. Regards.

    Frosty birchtrees

    Very beautiful and original image. Nice textures and tones. IMHO, I would experiment giving a little bit more brightness to the two foreground trees, I think this may encrease the 3D effect.
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