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Image Comments posted by james_black3

    Nude 7

    What Brent said. The hands could be a striking element to counterbalance the bodies. Hands are just as sensuous as the rest of the human form. So how to do it? shoot with a mid-range prime telephoto like a 135mm and stand way back. Pay close attention to the DOF and make sure your models are within the limits. Looks like you used a hard reflector for the key light. That's fine, but move the light back to get rid of the hot spot on her breasts. If you had a fill light off to the left it might be possible to reveal more of the male's abdominals. Two dark-haired models might benefit from a hair light ever so slightly so that their heads don't just seem to pop out of the blackness. It's not easy to shoot good nudes. Every small detail, a stray whisp of her hair curling under her armpit for instance. All this has to be accounted for. If left to chance, a nude photo can quickly go from being artistic to just a picture of two naked people.
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