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Image Comments posted by jim_air

  1. Very nice !  There appears a straight line on the right which appears just above and in the reflection below.  Whilst it is probably just natural, I would be tempted to use the healing brush to soften it. JMTCW.

    Lady Raven


    Like some of the others, I think the lines are a distraction to an image which drew me in right away.  No-one has mentioned the leaf shape to the left, which I think is a big distraction and I would get rid of.  Love B&W and this is a great use of it, without the gimmick !

    Water reflection


    Very well noticed, Gabrielle.  In my view you would enhance a lot by cropping a lot from the right so that the painted item and reflection are somewhat on the rule of thirds.  We do not need to be slavish to the rule, however the painting in the middle jars, IMHO.  Additionally by doing this the main diagonals are retained, whilst the more boring verticals to the right are got rid of !   You have lots of very interesting detail and subtle colours, etc, so it would be an absolute shame to squander them for a basic crop. Kindest regards.



    Mehmet, my friend, your skill have expanded !  You undoubtedly have a flair for capturing for posterity, unique individual portraits, but now you are additionally capturing moments in time with a story. Great to see your work once more.



    Greetings, Mehmet, my friend.  I have been away for many months from this site, however this is my first image to view and as always you do not disappoint.  The very straightforward and innocent/left and slightly challenging looks/right of these two guys have been very well captured and conveyed.

    Lake Pukaki 11


    The foreground and background really complement each other.  However, I would like to see a wee bit more detail in the foreground.  There is something reddish in the front lower quadrant which is compelling, but what is it ??  Our judges at North Shore tend to be, IMHO, a bit too concerned with exposing the shadows, which I feel at sometimes, like this, can be beneficial to a degree.  Nevertheless, I think that a bit more in the foreground would be a plus.  Just give it a try, I might be wrong.

    Pawn Kings


    The expressions are priceless.  Nevertheless I would crop off some of the top and most of the shirts.  You want to ask yourself, what value to the shot do the shirts add,  zilch !  Take most of them out and you will have a far better shot.

    Best regards, Jim

  2. The people, you presumably want us to see, are unfortunately in shadow.  In post production you need to lessen the shadows considerably.  The brickwork, is undoubtedly nice, but is that what you want us to see.  Great part of the learning curve !

    Best regards, Jim

  3. Very noisy, unfortunately, Gianni,  you do need to be more selective.   The basic idea is good. I have stuffed up numerous images because of faulty settings.  Just learn and take more images. 

    Best regards, Jim

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