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Posts posted by eddy_marenco

  1. <p>I'm more of a freelance photographer but a lot of my business comes from weddings. I use print room for photo hosting. I used to love using this site a couple of years ago but I've been really considering switching to another photo hosting site. It takes so long to upload any wedding (usually over 600 images). When clients look at images, they are small and slightly pixalated. Granted, it's probably so people can't lift photos of their site but I feel like it makes me look bad as a photographer. I've seen other photo hosting sites where the images look so much butter and probably more to what the photographer intended the images to look like; plus I'm sure it doesn't take forever to go through the images. Also, despite how long the it takes to upload galleries, if a client decides to buy images, I still get emails to upload higher resolution images for that specific purchased image. I never understood that and I've even sent multiple emails asking why this problem persist. </p>

    <p>Anyway, long story short- I have to switch. I'm not crazy about looking like an amateur photographer because of that site. I have no idea where to go. Also, another important thing to mention is that I never really make much money of prints. I wish that I did, but maybe because I'm a freelance photographer I just don't make enough commission off prints. Does anyone have any idea of photo hosting site that doesn't charge an arm and a leg to show off images? I really just want to have one to show clients their photos onine and if they choose, they can purchase. </p>

    <p>Thank in advance for anyone that trie to help or suggest anything that will help.</p>

  2. <p>I completely give up. I have seen a lot of photos that do this color theme and I have been trying to figure it out for a while and I can't. Does anyone have any idea how to even come close? I would love to use this style for some of my images.</p>

    <p>Much much credit to Adrian David Payne. He is incredibly talented.</p>

    <p> Meagan in Chains

  3. <p>i have done a couple of jobs here and there and i feel like i am not charging nearly enough. i don't have the business experience or really an idea how to price. i also face the dilema where i end up doing photos for friends, or really low budget people and up screwing myself...so i think.<br>

    anyway, what's a decent rate for a starting photographer with some experience? i know it varies on the assignment?</p>

    <p>i charge 80 dollars an hour (depending on job) and at least a 100 dollar process fee(depending how many photos and hours i might have to work). my jobs have mainly been portraits, parties, and small fashion shoots.</p>

    <p>weddings are different, i charge 1200.00 and i just deliver the photos, edited and optimized, on a high res dvd. i have a pictage account but it seems that my clients don't like it since they get really expensive.</p>

    <p>just waiting for it to click and take off...my career that is.</p>

  4. <p>Hello, <br>

    I am new to photo.net and was referred by a fantastic friend of mine, which i trust very dearly.</p>

    <p>Anyway, I'm trying to break into my own as a fashion photographer/ wedding photographer and i want to learn of new color management techniques. I'll give a small sample of my set up so my questions make better sense:<br>

    I shoot with a canon 5d and i usually set my camera to the kelvin mode and put the temp at 4700(if inside) and 5200(outside). I usually use a 580 EXII flash for fill.<br>

    When i go home and work on photoshop (CS2 is what i have) i tweak the colors but i am afraid that i am missing out on better color techniques.<br>

    I do the usual:<br>

    Unsharp mask<br>


    A small curve<br>

    color correct, fade or brighten colors if needed<br>

    of course, fix and or hide imperfections.</p>

    <p>but that's as far as i go...the photos look ok but i feel like i can do something more... and i don't know what.<br>

    i have noticed that a lot of newer wedding photographers use these beautiful colors and i can't figure them out.</p>

    <p>for samples of my work go to my site www.marencophoto.com please check my blog too.</p>

    <p>any type of help would be sooooo appreciated. thank you!</p>


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