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Image Comments posted by tanata

    summer in her mind

    Very good lighting. If you could show fuller picture of her body (showing her left arm too), that would be move interesting, because that way would show her full body movement. Overall, very nice snapshot.

    Studio Session 1


    Interesting picture.

    If you could capture the whole reflection of the people on the table as well (because the reflection was cut), that would be more interesting. Other than that, it is a nice presentation.



    Dear all

    thank you for your comments.

    It is a start for me. I only use an entry-level DSLR Canon EOS Rebel XSi.

    Due to financial constraint, I can't afford studio lights.

    I only used two study-lamps put closely together.

    I guess with a little help from my lens, Canon 60m/f2.8 macro, it still helps a bit.

    Thank you again.

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