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architectural photography 1664883378

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Posts posted by architectural photography 1664883378

  1. <p>The new lens incorporates in addition to what seeems to be more distinct detents a lock at neutral for the tilt. A great and much needed adddition. Extra care always has to be given on the current lens to make sure there is no tilt if none is needed. The neutral detent on my lens is indistict.<br>


    <p>Architectural Photography by Peter Montanti, www.mountainphotographics.com<br>

    <br /> </p>

  2. <p>Looks like a few of my gripes about the current 24 TSE have been addressed. The new lens will have firm detents as compared to the mushy I think I might be there detents of the current lens. Also the lock at neutral for the tilt has been so needed. The adjustment knobs also appear larger. I think its going to be a winner all around.<br>


    <p>Architectural Photography by Peter Montanti, www.mountainphotographics.com</p>

  3. <p>Remember the good old days of film? Grain and more grain.....extreme color casts. Todays photographers really are in a different world.</p>


    <p>Architectural Photography by Peter Montanti, www.mountainphotographics.com</p>

  4. <p>The 1Ds is a top quality pro camera capable of taking excellent photos. Yes its heavy and the batteries are not the longest lasting. With careful shooting and processing I've printed very good images up to 36 inches.<br>

    Many of the images on my site were made with the 1Ds.<br>

    <br /> Architectural Photography by Peter Montanti, www.mountainphotographics.com</p>

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