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sunnybank acres

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Image Comments posted by sunnybank acres

    yellow weed


    Been away for long time but now going through some older photos and

    hope to start contributing again.........Thanks Grandma Teddy

    Lizard 2

    Neat! very sharp and clear.....to all the little dots and markings.....I also have just invested in Nikon P90.lots to learn as yet about the camera..but so far I like.......Grandma Teddy.

    Yellow & Green


    this took my eye whilst strolling along side the bush on

    lakeshore.....thank you for viewing.......any comments very welcome

    and appreciated......had a hard time capturing it as it was slightly

    breezy and the branch kept swaying.........Grandma Teddy

    red berries


    I have forgotten the name of this little brush.It was quite thick along

    the lake shore, rather seed pods than eatable berries........thank you

    for viewing.........Grandma Teddy


    Outstanding shot!.even to hi lite in eye. Clear and sharp....individual feathers really show well.......nicely captured.Congrats!...Grandma Teddy

    Curled Leaf


    Due to not being able to walk too far I purchased a new camera(Nicon

    P90) with 24x zoom This is a test shot.......any comments welcome

    and appreciated..Grandma Teddy

    Blue Heron?


    Whilst eating breakfast this morning looked down upon my little river

    and spotted this fella.....he hung around for several hours until my

    daughter and I tried to sneak closer, then he took flight!...I do wish it

    could have been sharper, but this best I could do.......Thanks for

    taking time to view.....Grandma Teddy

    Pink Lady Slipper

    Thank you Jim for your helpful suggestion..This old lady can use lots of good suggestions....I am hoping to invest in a camera soon with a good telephoto lens...and preferrably light weight..mainly I guess as it helps me to get closer to subject for not able to walk too far without cane or walker......"I should let my horse do my walking LOL!"...Thanks again for stopping by.....Grandma Teddy
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