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Posts posted by jake_hesseltine

  1. <p>The worst part of being on the low end of the spectrum as far as pricing is concerned is the fact that there will always be someone who is lower...always (you even mentioned that you were willing to work for free for a while). Not to mention, price is subjective and what is low (or high) to you may be completely different to a potential client. If someone is seeking you out because of your work, price really does not matter (unless it is too low and they now think less of you). Not to beat a dead horse, but just as someone mentioned that Craigslist is full of bottom feeders...by being the lowest priced, you are attracting price shoppers and bottom feeders who have no loyalty and will expect the world from you. <br>

    Believe me, the majority of us have been where you are and know this from direct experience. Do the calculations and you will see that at the rate that you are charging that even if you were working all day every week (shooting, processing, and not to mention the daily business tasks), you would not be making enough to cover the costs associated with being in this profession. It is not a matter of how much you think your work is worth and instead how much you have to charge to survive...and I am sure you want to do more than just survive.<br>

    I have not met a pro photographer yet who has not struggled with this timeless dilemma. As artists, it is soooooo hard to remain objective about what our service is worth and to not take it extremely personal when someone rejects us (for whatever reasons). Your photos are high enough quality to justify charging a standard rate. Good luck with all this...it is almost a right of passage. You look like you are on the right track and keep up the good work.<br>

    Oh yeah...I would highly recommend you take off that last part on your card. It really does not matter that you do not have a studio and that surely should not justify charging less. If you have portable lights, you can set up a studio anywhere and people usually really appreciate the convenience of you coming to them...use it as a selling point.</p>

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