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Posts posted by craig_makela

  1. <p>Hi Everyone,<br>

    I've never posted on the Wednesday pic before, but I'm going to make a point to do it every week (give me an excuse to get out and shoot) as my New Years resolution.<br>

    I forgot it was Wednesday already, so I just took a trip downtown during my lunch break to take a quick shot or two. Here it is in downtown Sudbury, Ontario.</p><div>00Zoxl-430311584.jpg.c23b17bafc91f08eddf2ddc2b3ea0e76.jpg</div>

  2. <p>You can get a decent Sony 75-300 for a good price which is faster that f/8 and may be more suitable for the distance that you will be shooting from. If it ends up being a cloudy day you'll have to really bump up the iso to get a faster enough shutter to freeze the motion at f/8 which will result in degraded image quality.<br>

    I used to shoot Sony and the 75-300 lens held up pretty well for the price. Hope this helps!</p>

  3. <p>For me, it was a toss up among the D90 and Canon 50D. I went with the D90 because I don't like the wheel at the back of the Canon to navigate through the menu. That's how small the difference was in brands to me. It's all a matter of personal taste. Regarding better value? I think there is a level playing field there, otherwise Canon would be way ahead in sales.</p>
  4. <p>If you don't have a cable or remote release, you can set the timer to a couple of seconds. By doing this the camera will no longer be shaking from pressing the shutter release button when the exposure starts. Obviously, you'll need a tripod for this. Night photography is a little more challenging, but a lot of fun!</p>
  5. <p>Thanks for the advice Matt, I'll do what I can with regards to colour temp and saturdation of the jpg. I may or may not have to apply noise reduction as this is a very small crop of the whole picture.</p>
  6. <p>Hi,<br>

    I recently picked up a D90 to get some good shots of my daughters school Christmas concert. All of the children were wearing red, and many of the lights were also red. Each picture I took seemed to really exagerate the reds. Using a flash helped, but I wanted some 'natural' looking shots of the environment. Was there anything that I could have done about this? Is there a white balance setting that could've helped in this situation?<br>


  7. <p>Hi everyone,<br />I recently took up the hobby of photography and have done a lot of research and reading on my own to learn. Lately, my wife and I really enjoy doing some portraits for friends, family, etc. I shoot and she takes care of posing and props.<br />Since we have no equipment, we set up a sheet over a window and take pictures there, but I'd like to slowly invest in some in-home studio equipment. Basically I only have a camera and flash right now. Sony A300, Sony 50 1.4, Sony 18-70 (kit), and Sony 70-300 (kit), HVL-F58AM Flash and a tripod.<br />I don't plan on charging for my services right now, but maybe later after I do some upgrading. Are there any suggestions on what I should look for to start a home studio? What is the bare minimum to have a basic home studio going? I don't want to have a price range, but I generally go for equipment that not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either.<br />Thanks,<br />Craig</p>
  8. <p>Hi everyone,<br>

    I recently took up the hobby of photography and have done a lot of research and reading on my own to learn. Lately, my wife and I really enjoy doing some portraits for friends, family, etc. I shoot and she takes care of posing and props.<br>

    Since we have no equipment, we set up a sheet over a window and take pictures there, but I'd like to slowly invest in some in-home studio equipment. Basically I only have a camera and flash right now. Sony A300, Sony 50 1.4, Sony 18-70 (kit), and Sony 70-300 (kit), HVL-F58AM Flash.<br>

    I don't plan on charging for my services right now, but maybe later after I do some upgrading. Are there any suggestions on what I should look for to start a home studio? What is the bare minimum to have a basic home studio going? I don't want to have a price range, but I generally go for equipment that not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either.<br>



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