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Image Comments posted by farhad

  1. This image was taken handheld, the surf appeared almost snowlike and the light from the

    sky was bright and beautifully diffused. I'm very happy with this picture, especially as it's

    my first attempt at handholding my camera and it's worked well.

  2. Found this tree in the afternoon light on the Manali - Leh road in H.P. The light was changing every minute because the sky was partly cloudy and it was a windy day, with the light alternating moving between warm sunlight and diffused cloudy white light. This shot was caught with sunlight filtering through the leaves. I got another shot a few seconds later in which the leaves were all deep green.

    I set this shot up with the camera pointing straight up at 90 degrees to the ground on my tripod and used mirror lockup and a cable release as I try to do with most of my Hasselblad shots.

  3. A really beautiful shot, the blus of the sky and the brown of the sand so perfectly complement eachother and the kid's clothes. You could lose the cheesy textured effect in the sky though.
  4. Taken just before sunset. At first I thought of using a polariser to bring out the clouds, but

    then changed my mind. The washed out sky matched the calm of the place better.

  5. I can't rate this photo highly on originality (not low either - just average). What about aesthetics? I love this photo for at face value. The composition; the main subject; the blurry background subject and the quality of the blur; the tonality; and most important of all - it caught my eye when I saw it. So here we have something that's not original, but still catches the eye. Yet another photo might catch my eye just for it's originality - perhaps even one which has less aesthetic appeal. I think the important thing for a photograph on photo.net is that it should catch the eye for whatever reason.

    I think this photo works more as an industrial documentary than as a character portrait. Whether the picture was posed or not is completely irrelevant to me. If a worker stops working a for a second to turn around and look at a temporary distraction (the camera & photographer), that doesn't diminish the photo in any way for me. Everyone takes a breather at work - that's part of work itself. I can't believe people here would write about health and safety in the workplace and photography getting in the way of it - so irrelevant to the discussion! We're here to critique the photos and this one's great...

  6. I really like the colour tones. Is this scanned directly from a negative or a print? I'd appreciate this info, as I'm having trouble with my scans for photo.net. Just can't seem to get any sharpness, or tonal gradation like you've acheived.
  7. This is an instant 7 on 7 for me. I just had to glance at this picture to get captivated. The bright diffused lighting and the lovely tones of skin, clothing and blue backdrop make this the type of picture I'd have up in my living room. The focus on the eyes is great too.

    Berry Bath

    I like the mood of this picture very much. It does seem to me though, that for a 6x7 print the quality is quite low, it could certainly be rescanned with a better resolution.
  8. I really CAN't believe that this picture is photo of the week. Even from the photographer's own portfolio, it's one of the poorest! (Admittedly - he's got some other stunning pictures in the portfolio). This shot is badly composed and scanned, and apart from a mildly interesting cloud formation has NOTHING to offer. Sorry!



    I like the picture quite a bit. The

    only thing I'd say, is that if you'd

    waited a couple of seconds for the

    couple on the bridge to advance further

    towards you, you'd have got a nice clear

    sillouhette of them, whereas at the moment

    they are lost in the dark background.

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