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Image Comments posted by retief_elkhart

    In The Mood 2

    It's a good concept, but would have worked better for me if the blur had been horizontal, suggesting the musician's hand sliding quickly over the frets of the instrument. A vertical blur is perfectly sensible, players do move the neck up and down, but horizontal - or, more likely, a mix of horizontal hand blur and vertical instrument blur - would just seem more musical to me.

    rohtas 2

    An excellent Van Gogh effect, but the lighting on the foreground tree seems backwards: if the sun is setting (or rising) behind the castle, how can our side of the tree be so well lit?

    Autumn Scene # VI

    The vertical-line texture effect here doesn't work for me. It would be great in a gloomy swamp full of weeping willows, but here it seems to just drag things down. Was it just a trick of the light, or did you add it in post?


    I don't think it's too desaturated. But there's something odd about that black line at the bottom of her skirt; it pops too much. That black square behind her left knee is a bit of a distraction, and I question the choice of black shoes on a black carpet. This shot has blackness issues!



    I love motorcycles pictures and have just started to shoot them myself, so I don't pretend I can do any better than this, but it lacks a sense of speed. It might have been better from the other side (assuming you could get there) where we could see the rider hanging off, which gives a sense of excitement.


    His visor is open, which seems odd.


    Maybe it would seem faster from a more acute angle; taken from the side like this, it's difficult to see how far the machine is leaning.


    Good effort, Oldrich, and thanks for posting it. Now I want to go see if I can do any better.

  1. The longer I look at this, the less believable it becomes. How can hair that short hold that much water? I guess we're supposed to think she just pulled her head out of the water, creating the arc. If so, why is there no water dripping from her face? It's like a James Bond movie; fun to look at, but ultimately silly.
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