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Posts posted by mlande

  1. <p>So, it actually seems quite easy. If I can summarize…<br>

    1) Become a thoughtful, talented, creative photographer with lots of life experience and a desire to really understand your subject<br>

    2) Use an older film camera with a "normal" lens<br>

    3) Print in a darkroom on B&W paper<br>

    4) Only photograph people who dress alike, aren't influenced by the media, and don't smile (and if they're kids, make sure they're thin)</p>

  2. <p>Thanks, everyone, for all the thoughtful and thought-provoking replies. It does seem that the mindset of the people and the look of the times plays a huge role in the feel of those photographs. Even something as simple as clothing can make a huge difference. I am looking at Wayne Miller's "Afternoon Game at Table Two" from the late forties. It's an action shot at a pool hall and of course, all the men are wearing suits, overcoats, and fedoras. It makes for a great cohesiveness and formality that I don't think is insignificant. I imagine the same photograph, but with everyone wearing completely different styles of clothing, one guy dressed as a biker, one wearing a Hooters t-shirt, one a baseball cap, etc. and wonder if it would be any good at all.</p>
  3. <p>

    <p >I am wondering what makes the great photographers' photographs of the 1930's–1950's look the way they do. I know the main and most obvious reasons are their talent, creativity, and skill. But what's next on the list? Is it the types of lenses used? The film? Is it just the look and style of the subject matter? Put another way, if one suddenly woke up with the talent and skill of a Cartier-Bresson or a Wayne Miller, but were using a middle-of-the-line digital camera/lens, could they achieve the look of those photographs? Ignoring that any picture taken by these photographers with any equipment would be great, would they be able to duplicate the older look? If not, what would one need?</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Some examples:</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >http://www.magnumphotos.com/Archive/C.aspx?VP=Mod_ViewBoxInsertion.ViewBoxInsertion_VPage&R=2K7O3R3K2S3R&RP=Mod_ViewBox.ViewBoxZoom_VPage&CT=Image&SP=Image&IT=ImageZoom01&DTTM=Image&SAKL=T</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >http://www.magnumphotos.com/Archive/C.aspx?VP=Mod_ViewBox.ViewBoxZoom_VPage&VBID=2K1HZOYWFG7I3&IT=ImageZoom01&PN=14&STM=T&DTTM=Image&SP=Album&IID=2S5RYD1JGXW6&SAKL=T&SGBT=T&DT=Image</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >http://www.magnumphotos.com/Archive/C.aspx?VP=Mod_ViewBox.ViewBoxZoom_VPage&VBID=2K1HZOYW0FS_0&IT=ImageZoom01&PN=15&STM=T&DTTM=Image&SP=Album&IID=2S5RYDWDPDPD&SAKL=T&SGBT=T&DT=Image</p>


    <p >Thanks!</p>

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