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Posts posted by alejandro_furman

  1. Louie:


    I´ve been to Torres del Paine 5 times and once to Los Glaciares in

    Argentina. I live in Santiago, Chile.


    Torres del Paine: Lenses: 17-35, 28-70, 70-200 for landscape , and

    35mm film use. 28-70 the most widely used. Guanacos will be in the

    200-400 range ( the longer end for the babies " chulengos" and

    scenes of fighting and mating guanacos which will be further away

    than grazing guanacos). Foxes, if you find helpful ones will be in

    the 200-300 range for frame filling shots.

    Scenic Tips: Icebergs massing at the shoreline of Lago Grey, sunrise

    and sunset shots of the Cuernos del Paine from the small cliff right

    behind Hosteria Pehoe which sits on an island in the middle of the lake Pehoe, and sunrise at the base (glaciar morraine) of the Torres

    del Paine. This latter involves a 4 hr. hike which is covered by both the W and full circuit treks. I would camp overnight at the

    base camp and do the last hour trek up before sunrise.

    General comment: Be prepared for very windy weather, and long days with sunrise around 6AM and sunset around 9-10PM because of latitude

    and time of the year.


    Los Glaciares: For Mt. FitzRoy and Cerro Torre you want to make sure

    you are at the right spot for sunrise and sunset which are impressive

    alpenglow displays. My recomendation: 2 nights camping at the base of Mt. Fitzroy (laguna Capri basecamp) which is a 3 hour hike from

    the town of El Chalten, then move at mid-day to Cerro Torre basecamp

    which is a 3 hour hike from laguna Capri, and spend 2 more nights cam-

    ping there. Then back to El Chalten ( 3 hour hike). At Fitz Roy look

    for a pretty waterfall, at Cerro Torre take a walk into the ice formations. On the way back to El Chalten from Cerro Torre look for reflection ponds along the way with beautiful reflections of Cerro Torre. Hope you get the weather to collaborate. Same landscape lenses



    Perito Moreno Glacier. This is a must, and it is reached via a 1 hour

    drive from the town of Calafate. This town is halfway between Puerto

    Natales and El Chalten. With good weather 1 day should be enough for

    the glacier. A must. Same landscape lenses recommended.


    General Comment: All sunrise and sunset shots will require at least

    a 2 stop Neutral Density filter. Additionaly, a circular polarizer,

    preferably warming type, is strongly recommended.


    Have a great trip


    Alex Furman

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