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Posts posted by p_l_jensen

  1. <p>"I agree that the misnomer isn't only Pentax's problem. But still, it does seem very weird to me that these cropped sensor cameras are called 645"</p>

    <p>It is a "system" name. The lenses are already labeled 645 and besides, Pentax plans more digital MF cameras; perhaps also full (645) frame at some point?</p>

  2. <p>"The shutter life cycle for "professional" cameras is typically in the 200,000 to 300,000 range. And those figures are conservative too."<br>

    Not for MF cameras. 50 000 cyclesis the norm. Pentax have been making MF cameras for 42 years and most of them are still going strong. In addition, shutter life is not a measure on when the shutter disintegrate, but when it is expected to need a service and/or adjustment to be within specs...</p>

  3. <p>Pentax have never said that the 645D is Japan only (what on earth would the point of that be?). It is inventive to turn a statement from a US Pentax rep, made over a year ago regarding a camera not yet priced (but assumed to cost $12000-15000), that they could only sell about 200 units in the US, to mean that the camera will only be sold in Japan. The camera is certainly expected in Europe.<br>

    Anyway, I'm pretty sure Japan will be the first market to get it....</p>

  4. <p>Pentax have just released their first FF lens in years this month. More will come.....<br />There will also be three new 645 lenses this year; most likely in the spring.<br>

    The reason why MF digital is shrinking is due to the prices; hardly anyone can afford it or justify it. The Pentax 645D will do something about that if the price rumors are true. According to a recent Pentax boss interview both the body and the lenses will be within reach of the amateur pricewise...</p>

  5. The difference between the 645N and NII is not insignificant. Apart from user selectable customfunctions, the main difference is that the 645NII takes 15 frames on a 120 roll instead of 16 on the 645N. This solves the film flatness issue of the N which was severe in my case....

    I would say avoid the 645N and buy the NII if you want AF and the features associated with the later bodies. If you want save money go for the original 645....

  6. "Pentax, marketing nearly-exclusively to amateurs since the first Asahis, with the sole exception of playing second-fiddle or third-fiddle as a wedding photographer's 645 (vs Mamiya and Hasselblad), has no reason to introduce a digital 645."



    Wedding photographers? I guess circus musicians is your reference for musicians!

    Pentax MF cameras was marketed as field cameras. The Pentax 67 was very sucessful saleswise over the years. The 645N/NII was the worlds most sold MF SLR. Pentax had 50% marketshare of the worlds largest MF market; Japan. Pentax have sold close to 1 000 000 medium format lenses. The 645 Digital will be equally sucessful at its targeted price and it is not either ment for wedding photographers!

  7. <blockquote>

    <p>Javier, put you 645 next to you K20D, it's not really that much bigger.</p>


    <p>The Pentax 645NII with the FA645 33-55 lens is the same size and weight as the Pentax K10D+battery grip and the DA* 16-50 (the K10D is taller; the 645 deeper).<br />The Pentax K-7 will be an interesting addition to the Pentax DSLR line-up. A super telephoto and a matching 1.4X converter is in the works. The 645 Digital is for release next year and targeted at a price below $10.000. It has twice as large sensor as FF. Something for the landscape shooter....</p>



    <p>"This could very well be a photo of an early mock-up."</p>


    <p>No. It is a fake badly made in Photoshop and it has nothing to do with the K7.<br>

    (this is about the last image in this thread)</p>

  8. "I always use digital GND filters where by I take multiple exposures and then create a 2-4 stop filter from them. I don't use HDR, I find it gimmicky, sort of like the first few shots you take with a ultra wide lens, they look cool, but aren't my thing."





    Can you elaborate on this? Sounds interesting but I don't understand what it means...:-)

  9. "Didn't this already happen in the not-too-distant past when Mamiya, Hasselblad, Contax, and Bronica dominated the medium format market? Pentax was there then but they placed a far distant third or fourth. Why will this be any different? Cost? I can'e see myself leaping to buy a "cheap" $10,000 Pentax."





    Huhh?? I believe Contax sold quite litterally a handful of MF cameras. How could that be dominating the market? It quite litterally removed the Contax brand from the face of the earth due to its spectacular failure (they sold one body in my country!).

    Pentax was No.1 choice for professional MF landscape and fashion photgraphy world-wide. They had up to 50% marketshare in Japan for MF; the worlds largest MF market. Pentax have the largest MF lens line-up there is. Theres also close to 1 000 000 Pentax MF lenses made; possibly world record....

  10. <p>You might get heard. The camera scheduled for summer release will be sufficiently different from the K20D to not be regarded as it sucessor. It will be a camera that will be about built quality, finish and pride of ownership (among other things presumably). A camera you'll want to take with you to bed (acording to Pentax)!<br>

    My guess it is a Limited-styled camera to match the Limited lenses...</p>

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