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Image Comments posted by donnahandley

    Man in Black

    I prefer the black and white. In the color version, the contrast between the beach and the suit is a little too jarring. But in black and white, there's a sense of mystery.



    This Siamese cat wandered into our yard last week and we've been

    trying to fatten him up. Here he's looking at me and thinking "Food?"

  1. Sorry, but this is most certainly a magnolia, not a cherry tree. The cherry blossoms were all gone over a week ago. That said, this is a nice shot. I find it hard to shoot magnolias because the flowers seem to wilt, turn brown and fall off by the time I get to them. This one looks great, though.

  2. Very cool. Statues like this can actually look great in harsh light, and it looks like that's what you had here.


    I'll bet you wish you could have gotten right up there with the angels so you could get a shot of all of them in a row... Photographers will be very happy if they ever start selling jet packs to the public...



    This guy was running around after fish outside the power plant in

    Tampa Electric Plant. I still think there's something off about this

    photo. It was, after all, taken in very harsh, direct sunlight. Any

    advice on how this can be improved?

  3. I can't believe there are people out there who see this freeway as an

    eyesore and want to tear it down. I intend to prove that the

    Whitehurst Freeway is about as beautiful as an urban freeway can be.

    Comments welcome.

    Beach Bubbles

    This is a great photo of a subject which some might consider a bit of an eyesore. I think you made a good choice in leaving plenty of sand in the shot too.


    Very nice. You made the colors work for you, whereas I might have been put off by the yellow tones. Good choice of shutter speed -- very dramatic


    Great detail -- I like how you got in so close. Often slow-shutter photos of streams have too much going on, but you focused in on your subject very well
  4. Air Force Memorial in Arlington, Virginia -- a really cool new

    monument in my own back yard. If you're ever in DC, take a trip

    across the river to see this -- it's a great monument to photograph.


    Comments welcome.



    If you're not sick to death of cherry blossoms, here's one more photo.

    This was taken along the Potomac, where they let the trees grow a

    little more naturally than the ones around the Tidal Basin. I was

    trying to capture that happy feeling of the first day of spring. Any


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