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Posts posted by cyclistmussel

  1. <table id="post1919215" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="6" align="center">


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    Hi - <br /><br />I just purchased a Minolta 5400 on eBay and the seller failed to inform me that the film holders were missing (so lot of good it is doing as a film scanner...) <br /><br />Does anyone have an extra 35mm film holder or know where I might procure one?<br /><br />It is model FH-M10. This is the Konica Minolta Elite 5400 (version 1)<br /><br />I'm happy to pay...





  2. <p>Hey - saw this post and was inspired to try and build a shooting table for myself. I did a tutorial on my blog of my take on the table - I've been happy with the results, with a total of about a $50 dollar invest (most of that being the plexi surface to shoot on)</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.danielvalentephotography.com/2010/06/20/building-a-800-dollar-product-shooting-table-for-50-bucks/">http://www.danielvalentephotography.com/2010/06/20/building-a-800-dollar-product-shooting-table-for-50-bucks/</a></p>

  3. <p>I did a review on this lens for my M8. Bottom line great line, with high resolving power and nice background rendition, similar to a 50mm summilux in a way. Mine had a back-focus problem and had to be sent to DAG. A bit tough to focus on the m8 w/o a magnifier.</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.danielvalentephotography.com/post/313526403/leica-tele-elmarit-90mm-f-2-8-review">Leica 90mm Tele-Elmarit Review http://www.danielvalentephotography.com</a></p>

  4. <p>I did a review on this lens for my M8. Bottom line great line, with high resolving power and nice background rendition, similar to a 50mm summilux in a way. Mine had a back-focus problem and had to be sent to DAG. A bit tough to focus on the m8 w/o a magnifier.</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.danielvalentephotography.com/post/313526403/leica-tele-elmarit-90mm-f-2-8-review">Leica 90mm Tele-Elmarit Review http://www.danielvalentephotography.com</a></p>

  5. <p>I did a review on this lens for my M8. Bottom line great line, with high resolving power and nice background rendition, similar to a 50mm summilux in a way. Mine had a back-focus problem and had to be sent to DAG. A bit tough to focus on the m8 w/o a magnifier.</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.danielvalentephotography.com/post/313526403/leica-tele-elmarit-90mm-f-2-8-review">Leica 90mm Tele-Elmarit Review http://www.danielvalentephotography.com</a></p>

  6. <p>I did a review on this lens for my M8. Bottom line great line, with high resolving power and nice background rendition, similar to a 50mm summilux in a way. Mine had a back-focus problem and had to be sent to DAG. A bit tough to focus on the m8 w/o a magnifier.</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.danielvalentephotography.com/post/313526403/leica-tele-elmarit-90mm-f-2-8-review">Leica 90mm Tele-Elmarit Review http://www.danielvalentephotography.com</a></p>

  7. <p>Ha - the purple color is in the bad chromatic aberrations in my only other camera that shoots macro (an old 2 mpix casio bad bad bad) They are actually more of a white color. I talked to the seller an he agreed to take it back when I saw that KEH.com has one in ex condition for 599.99 - agreeing with rob, it doesn't seem that hard to find a good condition used summicron. Fortunately the seller was understanding. </p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>Hello I just purchased a used summicron 50mm type III rigid from a seller on RFF. He said that there were cleaning marks he couldn't remove on the front element but that it didn't effect the pics. I got the lens today and to my untrained eye it looks more like the startings of a fungus. I don't want to infect my other lenses. What should I do?</p>

    <p>1) Do you think that this is a fungus or is it element separation/markings in the coating - it is on the front side of the front element group.<br>

    2) Should I send this in to DAG or Sherry to have it looked at/ CLA'd / Repaired <br>

    3) Is it worth just trying to send back to the seller - I did get a good price because of the marks and even if the repair plus CLA was 100-125, I would still be under what I would have paid for a lens in similar condition at KEH. </p>

    <p>Thanks in advance!</p>


    <img src="http://danielvalentephotography.com/gallery3/var/albums/FM_Post_102309/summi50close.jpg" alt="" width="573" height="382" /></p>


  9. <p>Just bought one of these lenses for KEH - actually my first leica lens. I love it coming from Nikon and Canon I feel like the difference is night and day. I do not have the hood was shooting in the the sun today and I just shielded the front element with my hand. I would say (if you are still looking at it) go for it, it saved me $1000 bucks over the newer version... <br>

    I did a review on my website. I am currently looking for a hood for it but that is proving to be difficult...<br>

    <a href="http://danielvalentephotography.com/2009/10/leica-elmarit-28mm-review-for-m8/">Danielvalentephotography.com</a><br>

    <img src="http://danielvalentephotography.com/gallery3/var/albums/Blog_Post_Images/leica_elmarit28_aksarben.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="430" /><br>

    <img src="http://danielvalentephotography.com/gallery3/var/albums/Blog_Post_Images/elmarit_28mm_oldmarket.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="430" /><br>

    <img src="http://danielvalentephotography.com/gallery3/var/albums/Blog_Post_Images/elmarit_28mm_bokeh_building.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="430" /></p>

  10. <p>Hello - I'd like to chime in on the conversation. I am in a similar boat. I am getting into wedding photography, have a professional photographer to assist and looking for my first "pro" camera. I've had a d90 for some time now and looking to switch over to a canon 1-series (I don't have a big investment in nikon lenses, and I like what I see for canon - I don't want to start that conversation...) Anyways I have been going back and forth between a Canon 1ds (Mark I) and s Canon 1d Mark ii - they both can be had for the same basic price. I would love to know anyone's opinions. I know the FF of the 1ds would be helpful for some situations, but I think the speed and noise (and flash processing) of the Mark II might be the better choice. Also, lens recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!</p>
  11. <p>Thanks - I ended up picking one up from KEH for 347 in Excellent condition. It comes tomorrow so Ill keep everyone posted. I am very excited to shoot some test rolls. Is there anything I should know about the operation? I know because it is a pro-s you have to cock the shutter and then wind the film, and that the lens has to be cocked before putting it on the body. Is there anything else I should know?</p>
  12. <p>I am looking to pick one of these up. I have been looking to get into MF photography after shooting with dslr for a while (have been learning while in college). The rb67 intrigues me just for sheer size of the negative and the ability to scan with my flatbed scanner (an Epson 4490). The question is should I look for a used rb67 or look into getting one of the mamiya 645 models. I have seen some reasonable rb67s for around $400 w/ a 120 back WLF and 90m f/3.8. Is this a reasonable price? or should I look into something else. I mostly shoot landscapes and outdoor portraits / in situ full-length portraits. </p>
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