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Posts posted by william_macintire

  1. Film still excells for high speed, and there is some indication that even higher-speed, fine grain color print emulsions may be on the horizon. We might be seeing 3200 ASA or even faster film at the local drugstore in the future. Digital right now compares pretty poorly at ASA400 max for most cameras. On the other hand, many point and shoot digital cameras have surprisingly fast lenses compared to point and shoot film cameras.
  2. Amazing coincidence: my Minilux showed the EO2 error code last night

    right after I had submitted my earlier message! After some fiddling

    it is working again, but I expect it's going back for warranty

    repairs on the extended warranty. Even off warranty, I would think a

    $150-200 repair would be worthwhile. You couldn't get anything

    comparable new for that.

  3. I bought a Minilux (non zoom) 2 years ago, my first Leica,

    and it opened my eyes to what a really great lens could do. I had

    used cheap Pentax SLRs up to that point, and I can't complain about

    the Pentax lenses, they're fine, but I can't stress it enough, the

    Minilux lens is just wonderful. Even 4 x 6 photo lab shots are

    special. I've had very good luck with slide film. Exposure is

    usually just right, although you have to use common sense about where

    you focus for best exposure, or use the compensation override when

    needed. The ability to prefocus and recompose is a nice feature in a

    point and shoot.




    Cons include the top shutter speed of 1/400 (if you've got fast film

    loaded, you're stuck with 1/400 @ f16 on a sunny day), and that the

    flash setting reverts to auto after shut off, although for a point and

    shoot, it is amazing how often it will not resort to flash in marginal

    light - it must be looking for something slower than f2.4 @ 1/60

    before flash is engaged (I've seen cheap point and shoots auto flash

    in full daylight pretty often). Also, there's no lens hood - I

    usually don't encounter much flare, but a strong side light can do it.

    There have been reported breakdowns as well. I haven't had a problem,

    but I'm sort of glad I purchased an extended warranty, just in case I

    do get that failure message. Also, a case is extra. And, for a P&S,

    it's a little heavy, like a small brick, so if I was buying now, I

    would consider the Contax T3. But I don't see how the T3 lens could

    be any better.

  4. It occurred to me that one other possibility is that you might have

    the manual focus set to infinity or some other setting - sounds

    stupid, but it's an easy enough mistake to make, I've done it myself

    a few times. Since you bought it used, I'm not sure if you have a

    manual. If the little green light next to the viewfinder is flashing

    as you focus, this might be the problem.

  5. The gold brass rather than chrome parts suggest it could be Russian

    to my eye, but I'm no expert. They say the lens is in great

    condition, but it appears to be missing the infinity lock pin. The

    aperture setting tab (there must be a proper term for this thingy)

    also appears to be missing. And if the lens is screwed in all the

    way, there's a bit of a problem, as the infinity lock is at the ten

    o'clock position when it should be at about the 7 o'clock position -

    unless they screwed in differently on those early II's.




    The serial number is probably your best clue. Is it possible that

    its a I converted to a II?

  6. I don't trim mine, no problem. I use the "Business card" method,

    which involves inserting a buiness card next to the take-up spool,

    covering the gears. The film slides in behind the card. I do this

    with the lens off and the shutter open, to be sure it goes in right.

    Tighten up the slack some, remove the card, and voila, perfectly

    loaded film.

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