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Image Comments posted by t_t27

  1. I'd agree with your assessment, Kim. The framing is quite nice but the focal point inside the framing isn't strong; it makes the eyes wander a bit. That said, I still think it's a keeper. You have drama in the sky and nice pleasant earth colors that are exposed beautifully.
  2. I'm glad to see that you're really into this landscape photography, Kim. The result is beautiful. And nice find of what once was... Someone recently asked why I preferred going to Yosemite when there were storms; like you said, fair weather and blue skies are usually boring.

    Prairie Dog

    100-400mm, eh? I have wanted this lens for a long time. My main hesitation is the dated IS, which I wish they would replace. I might eventually buy the 70-200mm f/4 IS instead, even though I already have the version without IS. The little one will be moving on her own soon and IS will help. Nice exposure, Kim.

    Texas Cardinal 2

    Beautifully captured, Kim. Quite nice that there was no twig blocking him. Exposure and details around the eye work well, given the non-ideal lighting condition. I don't think I've ever seen one ever since leaving Texas, more than 15 years ago.



    Wow, what type of hairspray did you use on her? I think the brown background is great but the dark green does cause some tension.


    Fyi, me, one of the first people you know here, just on a temporary visa.

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