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Image Comments posted by ignacy_ciesielka



    Thanks! :)

    I have 562 pic of it but only about hundred sharp enough to show :). Overall I am happy that I could get some pictures of it. my family had proper laugh at me seeing me hunting it for 2 weeks of my holiday in Spain :). Well ... they have a proper laugh until now as far as I am concerned :D. Getting back to little "fella" I regret that I haven't got some proper lens for the job. Personally I am not into Macro- its just not my cup of tea and I am not patient enough. I had opportunity as few of them visited my garden at least once a day :). Its amazing creature considering its way of life and distances it travels, also speed :)

  1. José thank you for your comment.

    Michael there is no bad critique as long as it’s constructive.I am here to learn and polish my skills. That’s whole point of me asking for critique.You have made your point and I agree with it. Your crop is very interesting and gives to my picture a different perspective. It’s true it’s out of focus. Usually I am “sharpness maniac”. In this case I was thinking that this picture might not be about the horses. I thought about the picture that some one could say “ hey! Can you see the horses in that blizzard? ”. It’s not much of the blizzard though but hey! You can’t order that one ;-). It was freezing cold, chaotic so I took that picture hand-held ad hoc! hoping it will preserve my feelings at that time. I manipulated it in Light Room to make horses to fade in to the background and make it better visible when you watch the picture from the distance. As you mentioned, everything is very subjective and I am glad you showed me another option for my picture. I might use it as well. Thank you.



    That platform looks like an edge of the universe. I would darken other end of platform (behind the train) to enhance this feeling. I like it very much.
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