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Image Comments posted by jonathan_pingree


    this is a very beautiful image. it draws me in; makes me wonder about their thoughts and lives. the balance between the two men is wonderful. my only criticism would be "if only that was taken with b&w film". i'd like to see a deeper contrast.

    Drink Me !

    i like this picture (or do i like the subject?;). something bothers me about the horizontal, and the more i look, the more i'm distracted by the window frame. perhaps a shallower dof would have helped. or possibly an angle mainly looking one pane of glass...
  1. the element that makes this image stand out for me is the dof... but as previous comments state, (and as i now see with closer inspection) this has not been achieved on-camera, but with photoshop. maybe i'm just too romantic, wanting all those types of decisions to be made pre-exposure, but for me that is where the skill of PJ lies. i also find the hint of colour on the woman to be distracting and feel the image would be stronger if it were completely b&w.
  2. ... the Khmer Rouge were in power from 1975 untill 1979. (and now for the pic~) A good effort at capturing what I found to be a very difficult subject. Possibly too much lawn in the foreground, and a letterbox style of crop could be considered. The tones give the shot a real archival-back-when-it-all-happened feel, which I like.

    Elder Sister 1996

    it's a little more subjective than just that, don't you think? exploitation really comes down to the intent of the photographer, i would say. as far as the pic itself is concerned, she's an intriguing subject, but have you over sharpened it? makes it a little over the top for me.


    an image with a great deal of potential. if taking this again i would consider using a 28mm or 24mm to capture more of the scene around the subject. i feel the surroundings would add much more to the composition. i'm also beginning to shy away from c-41 (you'd laugh if you saw my folders~), but that's just my own predjudices coming out ;)
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