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Posts posted by repipe

  1. <p>no, when I switched to my new template it was really slow. then after I asked them, they fixed something or other, but its still MUCH slower. (flash site)<br>

    - are all your pic/file sizes under 200?<br>

    -I found that loading files and things improved greatly if all my file names where shorter, had no dashes or underscores<br>

    is it a blogsite, or wordpress? if its wordpress you might need to upgrade your software.</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>I am looking for a service like zenfolio or smugmug</p>


    <li>allows you to setup password protected client galleries with which they can shop from, </li>

    <li>shows the prints/products in canadian pricing</li>

    <li>either allows self fullfillment for photographers to receive the order and get it printed locally,OR,</li>

    <li>or sends the files to a canadian (if possible) printer who fullfills the orders</li>


    <p>I know there are TONS of U.S. companies and services out there, but I am specifically looking for Canadian</p>



  3. <p>well, if you think of it in old terms, even negatives had to be developed. so really, Raw isnt exactly a negative, and negatives are an outdated term or slang and could really be changed to 'digital files' if you shoot digital. <br>

    By changing the wording to "digital files" you can provide any file type you want, unless you specify. <br>

    An idea to protect you in the future would be to delete anything you dont want the client ever to see. It doesnt exist. problem solved for the future. <br>

    Some other photographers do sell their digital files to clients, it is totally up to you how you want to oporate your business. But if you have no other reason for your test shots, I would get rid of them. why waste the archive space?</p>

  4. <p>some pictures were recoverable, but not all. <br>

    yes, it was a lesson learned. Thank you for the information from the people who attempted to help solve the problem, rather than focus on the cause. You were most helpful.<br>

    The bride was more than happy with having a family session as compensation for her family group shot that was lost. It was determined the card was probably a crappy one anyway, because apparently the information should have been recoverable.<br>

    btw, Kurt: My friends cousins children broke into her onsuite bathroom and swallowed her contact lenses. They were playing tea party. She wore an expensive specialty toric lens due to an eye problem, that at the time took a month to order in, and had to wear her old bottlecap glasses with the tape on the side. (Like the loving friend I was, I called her Harry Potter for ages...lol!) Kids can get into everything, including locked offices.</p>


  5. <p>ok, realistically, its family photos lost, nothing else on that disc. its bad. but I have everything else.<br>

    I am thinking of offering her either a print or product credit value (not sure how I would determine that yet)<br>

    towards enlargements or a book. any ideas of how to determine that value? determine the cost of each photo?</p>

  6. <p>Its covered in (pop?) and crunched. a child from a halloween party I had went into an off limits area of my house and did this. Its actually cracked, and the plug in side is gummed up with some sort of food. It was actually removed from the case it was in. I;ve called two places, will be taking it tommorrow to see what can be done. But I have to prepare myself that it cant be prepared.<br /> I have no idea why a child would do this, and thank god my camera equipment wasnt there at the time. <br /> any ideas on how I can talk to the bride, save face, and how I should handle this with her?</p>

    <p> </p>

  7. <p>One of my memory cards was damaged by a guest in my house. It contains the family photos from a wedding that I am in the process of completing. Thank goodness I still have all the getting ready, formals, ceremony and reception shots already uploaded and safe on my computer, however, it sounds like I may not be able to recover these particular files.<br>

    What should I consider doing to compensate the bride for the images? I figure I lost between 10-30 images of just group family photos.<br>

    Im just devestated right now. It was a family friends child who destroyed the memory card. I am at a total loss of what to do. </p>

    <p> </p>

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