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Image Comments posted by danielgreen1



    I am new to using strobes and I just purchased some Radio Poppers, so I

    was playing around tonight. I have a 430ex from back left, 580ex in a 36"

    brolly camera right at about 12" away and a 580exII bouncing off my wall

    (which as you can tell by her neck is a orange wall) camera left. Any

    Coments? Please! Just don't diss my Poppers I love them so far, well

    except for the mounting process.



    For some reason this image really draws me in. I think it reminds me of

    my grandma's facial features or something. What do you think.



    I hope you’re not saying your beautiful model is a walrus! That is a funny picture, but if that was my wife she would be pretty ups…… awe, who am I kidding, she’d fit right in like family.

    (No my wife is beautiful too. I just made a joke at her expense)




    I’m just practicing/improving my lighting techniques in my home studio.

    I currently am using just speed lights. I have a 580EX in a shoot

    through umbrella about 15” away on camera right and a 430EX shooting

    through 5 glasses of water and 2 blue gels for the background (about 13’

    away from subject). I think it was the best of about 15 similar shots.

    Do you think so? Am I on the right track i.e.: my goal is to get good

    with what I have and then buy studio equipment and turn a hobby into a

    paid gig.


    This is always a hard decision for me because you want the B&G to be the main subject but THAT BACKGROUND! Far more interesting than those silly B&G’s. I think you did a great job with this photo but log that location on your GPS; you could do so much with that background.


    I used straight sun at 90 degrees in this photo without a reflector. In the other picture I believe it was at 45 degrees and I used a gold reflector at a distance to fill the shadows. Thank you for your time. It is appreciated.


    Nice shot, His teeth look a like they are superimposed and his front pupil looks a little smaller. Did you have some kind of flash? Where did all that light on his tounge come from? What the heck is outside this picture? He must be ready to put a Bald Eagle is mouth eh? I know, you were teasing him with a laser light huh? I do that with my cat too! LOL. Don't mean to ask so many questions but I want to take those kinda shots too! If it's photoshop you did a hell of a job. Convinced me : )



    This was shot on location (a back yard location) and touched up with

    Elements 6.0. I added Gausian to the background, sharpened the eyes

    and lips and soften the skin a bit. What about the pose? What could I

    have done to make this more flattering? I would like help on poses that

    flatter a person if possible.

    Thanks for your time to help me.


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