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Image Comments posted by lxtwin

    In the Snow


    This was taken this winter, although it looks like a black and white

    shot it is in colour, the tree is dark green and there is a little

    reddish brown from the tree in the far right. Unfortunately as it was

    snowing the sky was just grey, so there was a choice of four things to

    do and I did not know what would work best.


    1) take the photo as is, leaving the branch form another tree there;

    does it distract or is it OK as it points towards the tree.


    2) move slightly closer and remove the tree, but without any clouds

    the empty space looked too empty to me.


    3) take the photo without the branch and put a sky from another photo

    into the image. I prefer to make my images as close to reality as I

    can, so I did not do that.


    4) Not take a photo, so go and build a snowman.


    What would you do ?



    Hi Peter,

    I like this a lot, I might have lightened the dark areas just a little as my eye gets drawn to the dark patch on the right when I should be looking at the mountains.


    all the best



  1. I would like to say thank you to all of you that have left your comments they are helpful and greatly appreciated.


    I thought of other crops, but adding more water put the barrier in the middle and I thought it looked funny, a close up of the structures (I did also take a close up view) to me lost the feeling of expanse and did not show the water volume. However I under stand all of the points of view as the structures themselves will be interesting if you have never seen them before.


    When I took it I thought what happens if the rain full is massive can they hold all that water !!!! I know that can (or I hope so)


    Thanks once again



    Old and beautiful


    This was taken at a park and converted to black and white in Photoshop

    using the channel mixer. I thought about cropping a little of the

    right hand side but I like the trees in the distance as they are fresh

    compared to the old tree.

    The reflection


    This was taken in Autumn as the leaves were changing colour. Instead

    of taking a photo of the tree I decided to take the leaves reflecting

    in the lake that was underneath.


    I like the colours and the way the reflection is slightly distorted by

    the water.

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