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rusty johnston

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Posts posted by rusty johnston

  1. I am an amateur photographer shooting with a Nikon D70s. My

    computer is an Apple iBook with the latest version of OSx however my

    overall processor speed and the amount of RAM that I have are

    limited. I apologize but I don't have the exact information now as

    I'm posting this question from work.


    I am interested in shooting RAW files so that I will have a greater

    latitude for exposure adjustments, level adjustment and sharpening

    in the computer. Right now, all I've used is Nikon's Capture

    software which is nice but very slow. For example, when adjusting

    contrast, after the adjustment has been made it takes the computer

    30 seconds to a minute before the preview image is changed. Is

    there another software program that is generally considered to be

    faster? Or is this just something I have to live with until I can

    update my computer? I don't do batch processing, I'm only working

    with single images.


    Thanks in advance for your help. I did a search on the topic but

    did not find anything on it. If I missed something, kindly direct

    me to that post.

  2. Good afternoon all,


    I made an effort to search for this topic but found nothing previous

    on it. If I missed something then please direct me to that forum.


    I am the proud owner of a new D70s coming to it as a long time N90s

    and F100 user. Most things seem straight forward but the "Optimize

    Image" feature caught my eye. Does anyone have much experience with

    this? Any one setting seem to work or not work? Where do most of

    you keep your camera, in normal? Thanks in advance for any input.

  3. I am a hobbiest photographer and am looking for an inexpensive monolight kit to do

    portraits of my family and friends. On a recent ebay search I found a kit offered by a

    company called "Dreammaker Photographic" and what they offered was a light called the

    Millennia M-320B. Have any of you heard of them or this light? If so, what are your

    thoughts? Are there any other suggestions for inexpensive monolights?


    Many thanks,



  4. First off, I debated which forum my question best fit and ultimately

    decided on this one. For the moderator, if this is deemed in

    appropriate, please accept my appologies.


    I am using an N80 with an SB-600 flash. I Have a light stand and an

    SC-17 cable and I'm looking to add a softbox for portrait and

    product work. I have found on-camera softboxes that are in the

    16x20" size that I feel will give better coverage and results

    however this completely covers the flash. Does this effect the way

    I should set-up the flash and camera? Will TTL no longer work

    because the softbox is so large? If so, do I then need to operate

    the flash in manual? Thanks in advance for any quidance or




  5. Does anyone have experience or examples of this lens used for people

    portraits? I'm trying to purchase lenses that accomplish multiple

    tasks and this lens is very appealing. This lens has a great

    reputation for close-up work but how does it fair in other instances?


    Thanks in advance to all who contribute.

  6. I have an F100 and an SB-28, both recently purchased used but in

    excellent condition. When the flash is mounted on the camera it

    will fire intermitently without the shutter button being pressed.

    It does seem to fire just fine when it's suppose to but I'm not sure

    what is causing it to fire the other times. I'm assuming it's my

    flash but I don't have access at the moment to another one to test

    that theory. Has anyone else heard of this? Does the flash need to

    to sent in for repair or is there something else that I can do?

  7. When speaking about Nikon's mid-range zooms, the 24-85mm 2.8-4, the

    24-85mm 3.5-4.5, the 28-70mm 3.5-4.5 and so on, is one considered

    better than the rest? I have my single focal length lens when top

    quality is needed and I realize that they don't compare to Nikon's

    2.8 zooms but when convienence is the order of the day, which one do

    you grab? Thanks in advance for any opinions and if this has

    question has resently been posted, please direct me to it.



  8. Canon's 28m 1.8 USM lens gets very mixed reviews and my theory is

    that most of it's negative reviews have spawned from those without

    first hand knowledge. I may be wrong but that's what I'm hoping to

    find out.


    I'd love to hear from those who have actually used this lens their

    opinions of it. How does it perform wide open, what about stopped

    down? I don't expect L series quality but I would expect it to

    perform better than zoom lens and maybe even better than the 28mm

    2.8. Thanks in advance to all who contribute.



  9. Here is a <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?

    folder_id=472662" >link</a> to some of the 3 rolls worth of photos

    shot this weekend at the birth of my new nephew. I've only been

    using Leica rangefinders for about 6 months but the more I push

    myself to photograph "inconspicuously" at family events the more I

    realize the power of these cameras. While these photos are not

    anything award winning, I was able to capture very candid moments

    without everyone in the room being aware of "the guy with the

    camera." At any rate, I hope you all enjoy.<div>00BA1T-21889184.jpg.e9f0303cf394dead8d133875c0154726.jpg</div>

  10. Has anyone purchased an M7 or MP using Leica's new "a la carte"

    program or do you know someone who has? Also, if you configure one

    on their website the price comes in at upwards of $3,900.00; are

    dealers discounting this any or is that what you actually have to

    pay to get one? I'm not looking to start an argument on Leica

    prices or collectors versus users, I'm just curious as to how this

    program is going for Leica and if any of you folks actually know

    someone whose bought one. Thanks for your comments.

  11. From time to time we read recommendations, on this site and others,

    that to improve your photography the exercise of using just one

    camera and one lens should be practised but I'm curious if anyone

    actually ever does this? For some of us financial constraints force

    us to practise this exercise more than we might want but have any of

    you tried this for any length of time and if so, for how long? Is

    it your regular habit? And do you feel that it improved your


  12. I read alot about have cameras, and lenses for that matter, CLA'd

    but what can I actually expect to get in return? Does the camera

    and/or lens come back working like new? Will film advance and

    shutter release preform back to original standards? The reason I

    ask is because you can pick up an older M6 classic for less than

    half the price of a new MP or M7 and if an additional hundred or so

    dollars for the CLA puts the camera back to like new condition, it

    seems to be a no brainer. Thanks in advance to all who contribute

    their thoughts.

  13. I'm looking for some opinions on the 50mm 1.4 lens, the newer AF-D

    versus the older Ai(s). I am curious as to whether the older lens

    preformed better wide open and if it had more pleasing out-of-focus

    areas than the newer version? The newer version is much maligned

    for its out-of-focus area but was the manual focus version any

    better? Thanks in advance to all who contribute.

  14. Okay, I acknowledge that this might be a bit vain and trivial but

    most of you will admit that an old black body Leica that shows some

    brass has a special look about it. My question is, what do silver

    bodies look like as they wear? If I'm not mistaken the new MP and

    M7 have brass top and bottom plates for both the black and silver

    versions so do you just end up with a silver camera with brass

    edges? As I type this question it's starting to seem obvious but

    I'll go ahead and post anyway. If any one has a photo of an old

    silver camera that is starting to brass I'd love to see it. Many


  15. The aperature ring on my 35 summilux has a slight "wiggle" or play

    in it that my other lens don't have. I have also read other folks

    reporting this as well. Is this just common to all 35 'lux ASPH

    lenses? Does the pre-ASPH have a similar issue? I understand that

    it doesn't effect how the lens works, it bugs me a little, but

    mainly I'm just curious. Thanks for responces.

  16. I understand that one of the major differences between these two

    cameras is the deletion of the depth of field indicator on the RX II

    but I have also read that the shutters are different as well. And

    because of that, the RX II is louder than the RX. Any truth to

    that? And are there any other differences from one to the other?

  17. Nikons 50mm 1.4 AF lens seems to get more than it's share of grief

    and I'm curious as to whether it is completely warranted or not. Do

    any of you have examples shot with this lens wide open? I tend to

    shoot the 50mm focal length alot and would like to add this to my

    camera bag.

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