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Image Comments posted by jeff.grant

    Coming to grips


    Thanks Len, I've tried different cameras over the years for things that the Hasselblad can't do well or when I want lightness. I had a Pentax 645, a Sony A900 and now an olympus OM D. It is a delight to use, and the images are excellent. It is a bit bizarre to have a camera where people call a $1K lense expensive though, but even that looks like it may change as both Zeiss and Schneider are starting to make M43 lenses.

    Coming to grips


    Peter, with it that dark, confusion is easy. Living where I do on the East coast, Earth shadow is what I get to shoot for sunsets.

    Steve, it is heavier than normal for me, and I wouldn't have done it intentionally. I hate those awful, deep blacky blue sots from too much filtration but I thought that this was a little better than that.

    Coming to grips


    Thanks Xavier and Peter. This is the Earth shadow after sunset, and a bit of a stuffup combined. I was using a new Lee RF75 system and had found the ND grad on the sand. I had no idea what I had done so I left it in the holder. Shooting at base ISO of 200 on lenses that go funny after f/8 makes quiet a change after a Hasselblad. This has a 3 stop ND and a 3 stop hard grad. I lightened the sky in LR and like the result.

  1. So far, it's surprisingly good. I hope to get a lot of time this week. It obviously won't resolve like a Hasselblad but I've bought the best lenses and it looks very promising. I'm hoping that an A2 print will be good. That's the big test for me. 

    It's so different and so light. I'm still getting things sorted but it's looking very good. 

    One for Chuck


    Thanks Peter. I think that the beach has become too famous. I can't even go there during the week now and get it to myself. I do think that what I do there is unique. I see lots of over-saturated, heavy colour shots there but few that show any subtlety. 

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