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Posts posted by ronni

  1. <p>My G1 (green sticker)+ 45/2 just arrived 2 weeks ago and did some test . I didn't found focus problem .It's fun use RF with autofocus after use manual RF like Leica M.<br>

    Zeiss 45/2 deliver almost same result with Zeiss ZM 50/2.Some picture comparison from japanexposure:<br>

    <a href="http://www.japanexposures.com/lenscomparison/">http://www.japanexposures.com/lenscomparison/</a><br>

    Yes, you cannot expect the AF as fast as Nikon AFs (DSLR) but fast enough for street photo (not for action/sport photo)<br>

    If you have problem;focus or image result not sharp...you need to send the camera and the lens for calibration.<br>



  2. <p>Finally, I got my first Leica (M4-P) black. . . . :)<br>

    Next, looking for 35mm and 50mm lens.<br>

    For $250 budget. which one will be best for value, Voigt 35/2.5 Skopar C(used) or  J12 +J8 (2 lens)?<br>




  3. <p>Guys,<br>

    Many thanks for good discussion. I read one by one your comments.<br>

    Well , I see pro and cons here but I believe all of you want to help me to decide which Leica M model will suitable for me and my pocket...:)<br>

    Currently, I am using Konica RF (Hexanon 45mm) without meter, in the beginning I used Sekonic light meter but now I trust my feeling to measure exposure.Well sometimes, got one or two frame under or over exposure in 1 roll.<br>

    My main lens willl be; 35mm and 50mm.<br>

    So if M without meter is the solution, I will accept that....:)<br>

    Please keep this thread rollling, I believe there many peoples need these informations.</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>16-86VR usefull for travelling, wedding, potrait, landscape.<br>

    You will need wide lens for indoor wedding , that Tamrom 28-75 cannot do. When you need shallow DoF for Potrait, you can use your 50mm f1.8.<br>

    Best telephoto for potrait: (from cheap to expensive):Nikon 80-200 f2.8ED,AFS80-200 f2.8, AFS 70-200 f2,8VR</p>

  5. <p>You will need VR, when you get speed below 1/125 especially at focal length 300mm.<br>

    If i'm not wrong the ideal speed for long lens min 1/focal length,<br>

    If not using VR lens at 300mm you need speed 1/300 to avoid shake., except you have very steady hand.<br>

    Nikon 70-300 VR is good chooise<br>



  6. <p>How about this option.....Sell all your lens and buy <strong>Nikon 18-200 VRII </strong>and <strong>Nikon 60mm Micro.</strong><br>

    I t will cover you need; street, potrrait, lanscape, macro<br>

    You will travelling with small camera bag only....:)</p>

    <p> </p>

  7. <p>Tamron has bad QC.<br />Just share my experienced when bought 28-75 f2.8 for my Canon 20D , 6 years ago.<br />I asked the Tamron salesman to provide me 5 (five) Tamron 28-75mm for test ; sharpness and back focus. And display teast result on PC not on camera LCD<br />Finally I choose lens no 2, after doing shoot test on a Newspaper (for sharpness) and ruler (i bring this thing from home..:) for back/font. focus test.<br />Tamron 28-75 very good for protrait, I skip 17-50.<br /><br />focal leght 75mm, f2.8 on Canon 20D <br /><img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/47/114957741_8e22c0cd4b.jpg" alt="" width="333" height="500" /><br /><br><br>

    I f you get a good copy, Tamron will produce very good result; especially for type: 17-50f2.8, 28-75 f2.8, 90 f2.8macro, 70-200 f2.8.</p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>Assume you have cash $1000, sell your 18-55 an 55-200 you will get additonal cash $350.<br>

    So total you have 1350 in your pocket.<br>

    80-200mm is "must have" lens, used around $550.<br>

    Tokina 11-16, is nice lens used ;$500<br>

    Tamron 17-50 f2.8 used $300<br>

    You already have 50mm f1,4, skip 35mm f1.8 for while.</p>

    <p>~ronni~ </p>


  9. <p>Wade,<br>

    I have Tamron 28-75 for more than 4 years, love it.It sharp lens (if you get a good copy) but color little bit greenish.<br>

    I tried Nikon 24-70 f2.8,give better color and sharpnes, but it's 4 times price compare to Tamron.<br>

    If budget is not issue for you go to Nikon 24-70 f2.8, you will not regret.<br>

    Happy shopping...:)</p>


  10. <p>Well, after 1 year playing around with RF Konica Auto S2 and love it. I decided to move to next level: Leica!<br>

    Confuse with Leica M type, with budget under $700, options will be: M4-2, M4P, M5 .<br>

    Need your advice which one will suitable for me.<br>



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