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Posts posted by dolly_donovan

  1. <p>I have to chime in here. It seems you have the same attitude that most young people have these days. Im right and no matter what everyone else is wrong. Everyone here gave you harsh honesty. The truth is not always easy, but its necessary. I am sure you have a lot of talent to offer the world. But basic common cutomer service eperience will serve you well in this business. What some of the other posters said. Offer your client the world and in return you will receive much more than you ever thought you would. I would advise you to stick around. You can learn an awful lot here. Even with some that have been in business for years that may have a last minute "what do I do" this is a great resource. Cheers!</p>
  2. <p>Neil, The problem I have is that those of us who have put their time in, gone to school, have life experience, offer professionalism etc etc etc.... Cannot pay their bills because the work is going to NON professionals who do not have the overhead that we have. Have you dealt with any college age art students lately??? I have. Its just wrong!</p>
  3. <p>On Martha Stewarts radio show two of her co-hosts did the same thing, except they spent an hour telling brides how stupid it is to hire a photographer when there are students that will do it for free. My blood boils, but you have to consider that the couples that take this advice are not the couples that yopu want hiring you anyway. The more educated mature couples no where to spend the money and they know what's important. Also they normally dont have 18 bridesmaids and groomsmen and 500 guests that suck up everything from their wallets.</p>
  4. <p>I would like to see some of your work Melissa. I think that spending alot of money when your work is "just OK" is not a great idea when your developing your talent. Or you're maybe the most amazing photographer at this point and maybe it would be a good idea to invest more funds. Do you have any experience at all with digital photography? I know I started out very slow from lack of funds, but looking back it was better to do it that way.</p>
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