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Posts posted by larry_gaskill

  1. No Answer yet But I am experiencing the exact same problem and have a Dell dual processor machine with 4gb memory


    printed 18x24 ok but no 24x30 (I got an out of memory message)


    Still working this out. Have over 130 gb of hard disk available.

    Epson 7600 printer. I would think that Lightroom is sending the data to the printer in a different way that Photoshop does (the printing works in Photoshop) I also believe there is a buffer in the printer that might need looking at??


    Probably something to do with Learning curve.


    Tim, Did you get any resolution with your problem?

  2. Thanks for your contributions.




    I currently scan my medium format slides with a Minolta Dimage Multi




    I use for archival purposes, sending slides through email to friends and

    others. I usually print an 8x10 or 10x10 and put better prints in

    show book. I also produce a cd slide show to show off my work.




    I still would prefer the best quality possible if I am going to go

    through the effort etc.





  3. I currently scan medium format slides and would love to find a good

    quality large format (4x5) transparancy scanner.




    I understand Nikon had the 4500 that would do 4x5 but now the new

    releases don't seem to provide for 4x5




    Any recommendations would be appreciated (not flat bed scanners)









  4. I understand that is you extend the bellows beyond a certain point you

    will need to calculate adjustments for exposure compensation.




    Is there a fast rule (to simplify using in the field) as to the

    compensation formula.




    I have seen a quickdisk, which would work for close-ups.

    Is this really a significant problem for landscape work? (inifinity)





  5. I am just moving into LF.




    I understand that there usually is light fall off with 90mm and wider.




    Would the XL 72mm Super (the new schneider lenses)minimize light fall

    off with a 4X5




    I have selected the 210mm Schneider Symnar 5.6 I need to select another

    wider lens





  6. Practically speaking, What would be the smallest lens (does the FA

    have a bed that drops down for wide angle?) and the Largest lens that

    can be

    really used in the field for the FA.

    Reading the material from FA it says that the 210mm is the largest,

    but I have been reading others that say, with certain brands, that a

    lens up to 400 can be used.

    I would love to have a body that weighs less than 4 lbs, if I can have

    enough movements available for landscape


  7. This brings back memories of me learning photography in highschool

    using a crown graphic and a flash with a battery that weighed around 15lbs

    To steady the camera (with available light) I would use my elbow

    against my chest to shoot slower speeds.

    This would be a real challenge on very slow exposures.

    These days I use a tripod exclusively

  8. Comparison between Toyo AII & Horseman FA for field Landscape

    This has been asked by many but I am contemplating purchasing the

    Toyo AII because of its 12.5 inches of bellows.

    I shoot primarily landscape and anticipate using a wide angle most of

    the time with some tele work i.e. 240mm

    What is the practical maximum lens that is really being used with the

    FA in the field. This discussion of using a 360mm or 400mm intriques

    me. I would love to have a field camera at less than 4lbs





  9. After reading some of these responses (which are really very good) i.e.

    hiking 10 miles a day with 80ibs of gear.

    Sounds like if I had to do this for a living I would look for better





    I think the best solution is hire someone to carry my gear and when I

    arrive at the destination I will have enough energy left to set up and





    I currently use a Pro Treker and carry around 40-45ibs up to 4 miles

    or so.

  10. A professional photographer friend of mine had a Wisner and tried using

    the Calumet 6 X 12 roll film back and had significant problems with

    light leaks. They sent him another back and he still had the same





    Has anyone had a favorable experience with Horseman 6x12 backs or others


  11. First Thankyou all for your helpful suggestions and experiences.

    I am getting ready to purchase a 4x5 either the Horseman or Toyo Aii




    I am really interested in the 6 X 12 roll film to shoot panoramic.




    I have a friend who had a wisner and fitted it with a Calumet 6X12 and

    had significant light leaks. They sent a new one but same problem

    Any suggestions should I stick with getting a Horseman camera and

    matching it with a 6 X 12 What do you suggest?

  12. Question, I currently use primarily 6x6 I scan, store in mounted glass

    slide mounts and project with a medium format projector




    1. How to store the 4x5 transparancies

    2. Is there a projector that will allow 4x5 projection?

    3. Scanning I know Nikon offers 4x5 imaging, is there any other

    scanners that would do?






  13. I am close to adding a Toyo AII to my equipment. I currently should

    primarily landscape with Hasselblad equipment. I would love to add

    4X5 for certain shots i.e. landscape with foreground subject.

    MY goal is to gain detail.

    Any advice as to what I can expect. Another concern has been speed of

    setup (not to miss the light etc.) and wind hitting the bellows

    creating movement on a long exposure?




    Any advice would be appreciated.





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