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Posts posted by dave_jacobs2

  1. <p>thank you all for your assistance, name calling, slander and hate..<br>

    fwiw, my contour page happens to be authentic and is posted on the net.<br>

    favorite post:.. "Pnet is a friendly, collaborative place and everyone who answers does so purely out of interest and is always well meaning." quote, marios.<br>

    i'm done reading the thread...i wish you all instant karma.</p>

  2. <p>marios, it wasn't enough that you fabricated information in your post, after i confronted you about it you repeated the same missinformation again, in the next post?...and now you dare to threaten me and then say what a friendly group photo net is?<br>

    you and patrick are total morons, and i don't mean that in a rude way, get lost...<br>

    you've already been reported.</p>

  3. <p>marios, in reading your post, you remark, "They......don't really care to spend money on buying an image of themselves, regardless of how good it may be, when usually it's the other way around." <br>

    ...where did you come up with this? I never said i was offering to sell the celebrities pictures of themselves! wow, give me a break, if that's what you thought you really don't know what you're talking about.</p>

  4. <p>contacting ea. rep and discussing it is a good idea, but i am not knowledgable retail sales and marketing. that's one of the reasons for hiring an expert...how to sell it best.<br>

    ...should the image be a limited edition poster, what would be a great title? what style font? maybe i should make it a bobble-head, where should we sell it, & @ what price? etc, etc...<br>

    hell, i think i'll sell the whole shoebox for a fat fee, and just invest the dough.<br>

    i'll sleep on it, thanks!</p>


  5. <p>c'mon matt, the celebs can sign, then i can sell their autographs...everything will be done properly...who are the customers?..that's up to the marketing people, i would say the fans ...of who?...m. ali, sting, pamela anderson, lil wayne, carmen electra, bb king, maybe tiger woods, that one prob will be a little delicate. is anyone going to answer <em>my</em> question?</p>
  6. <p>patrick you knew everything before the shoot because you were hired, i'm not interested in discussing how i got permission or access, i already mentioned though that they were self-assignments...i see that this is not accomplishing anything except putting everyone on the defensive...and what will seeing my work accomplish? I'm done responding to you..it's more like an interagation, (spelling?)... thank you......whew! where's the emoticons when you need them, swine emoticons!<br>


  7. <p>when i decided to do some celebrity photographs to add to my portfolio i only would do them as self-assignments, not commissioned. i was a freelance photographer. i always<br>

    asked and receive permission to do one on ones.<br>

    the celebrities never asked to see the images..i am talking about 300 + real celebrity icons, legends and popular personalities of the day. My interest was in making portraits.<br>

    my images would certanly be worth their time invested ...there are so many that are one of a kind. <br>

    my request was for a referral, why are you suggesting that i am not qualified, or that it's unlikely an agent would feel their time is worth investing? can you refer someone or not? <br>

    i haven't had this many negatives since i stopped buying film...LOL!</p>


  8. <p>I have many images of celebrities. Portrait, documentary/journalistic. Lately i've also been<br>

    turning photographs into collages and photo-art. I've been told i do nice work..<br>

    That being the case, I need someone to market them. Someone with connections, and insight to see their<br>

    potential. Someone to go to the clients, unlike the stock photo agencies who wait for the clients to contact<br>

    them. Someone who gets excited, who can sell collections, and/or one subject at a time.<br>

    I need somebody good...no, great!<br>

    Does anyone know the name of this marketing genius i'm looking for? Does such an excellent agent, or rep<br>

    even exist?<br>

    I've always gotten great advice from photonet, and I thank you in advance.<br>

    Dave J </p>

    <p> </p>

  9. <p>A hundred bucks, more or less ...that's what i'm, going to spend on a small digital camera.<br>

    Estimate around 10 MP, 6x optical zoom, etc, and though i suspect there's not going to be many differences, some will be better overall.<br>

    so i ask you for your advice, which would you recommend to buy/avoid? thanks<br>



  10. <p>I know what i'll do...i'll make two different versions of the book. One will be my all-time best work as an artist<br>

    to offer to photograhers. I'll also publish a 'who's hot now' edition for the general public, or more specifically, the shallow<br>

    celebrity watchers...maybe i can even include a subscription to 'People' magazine for the later audience! </p>


  11. <p>What should be my criterian for choosing which celebrity photographs will best promote <br>

    a portrait book i plan to self-publish?<br>

    Seems like it always comes back to that same question,<br>

    Who should i be appealing too, the general public, or the photography crowd?...<br /><br />Should i put in who's popular now, or show my best work?<br /> <br />If the answer is to find the right balance, that's what i'm trying to do.<br /> <br />If i choose images just because the subjects are popular now, unless the portrait is really fantastic,<br /> <br />the photographers won't be impressed.<br /> <br />I know I have to try to determine who's my audience? <br /> <br />...Only then will i know which celebrities to feature...but how do i do that?<br /><strong> </strong> </p>

    <p> </p>

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