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Posts posted by verity_holworth

  1. <p>I think it's great. Schools are a great place to advertise. They have proms, and children have parties and graduations, bah mitzvahs, parents have birthdays, weddings, corporate events etc. It could give you great scope. Depends on the school though. Where it is and the demographic that use it. The higher up the scale the school the more success you may have.</p>
  2. <p>Back to the original question I'm intrigued by this. Lack of morality and human decency aside what is the answer to the question? I've looked and i thought that the points craig refers to where in referance to public photography eg on the streets, I have found no referance to private photography and the ones I have say you need consent. You wouldn't put a child up without consent would you because of the implications so does this apply to private photos for commercial use? We all know that in the us this isn't allowed but I am interested about the uk. I don't agree with it but this is becoming a very interesting topic</p>
  3. <p>Point and click. You would be amazed at some of the fantastic shots you pick up. For example at weddings I feel the unposed shots are the best. Again with animals do the same you get some great images. Hop on a tram and just point and click. Some may see it as a pointless exercise but it gives you a chance to review and you may pick up inspiration from a shot that you would not normally have taken</p>
  4. <p>Had it been specified before you took the photos and you were with holding them then I would go with the couple. However it was an afterthought and I think the best thing would be to explain to them that although it's not something you would usually do agree to give them the photos for a fee you believe reasonable. Its a compromise they can take or leave and if they do decide to give you bad publicity at least you caan defend yourself knowing you tried to find an alternative</p>
  5. <p>Hi,<br>

    I think the general consensus is that whilst it's a bit fuzzy about who is legally right I think the majority agree that what you did was immoral. You yourself are damaging your own reputation. It takes years to build up a business but 5 minutes for bad publicity to ruin it. I think the best thing you can do is remove all pictures and contact your friend. I think you should try and salvage what you can or at least part on better terms perhaps if you became more forthcoming they may allow a few pictures that you all agree on to go up. The key is communication something which you have refused to engage in. There seems to be alot of upset and I think that while you are upset your friend will be feeling exactly the same.<br>

    How do your family feel about this, it being a family friend. Perhaps as your peers above have suggested you should think about dropping in on your friends to discuss everything in person and calmy bringing this to a conclusion before it goes to far.<br>

    You wanted advice and the majority of us are saying the same thing, may I suggest you take it, salvage your reputation and start to feel your normal self before as I say this gets out of hand and ruins your reputation, which unfortunatly it will.</p>

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